Christopher Bishop

TNI Foreign Office
The New Inquisition Foreign Office Update
8th February 2014

Population: 297
Forum posts: 465,084
Kaiserin: His Most Gracious and Imperial Majesty, Charles Cerebella
Crown Princess: Her Imperial Highness, Lynneiah
Reich Elector: His Excellency, The Rt. Hon. Augustus Maximaliaan
Vice-Reich Elector: Vacant
Reich Chancellor: The Rt. Hon. Olde Delaware
Deputy Reich Chancellor: The Rt. Hon. Jet Black
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs: The Rt. Hon. OnderKelkia
Secretary of State for Home Affairs: The Rt. Hon. Gun Nutty Buddies
Secretary of State for Culture: The Rt. Hon. Homo_Ignoramus
Crown Princess: Her Imperial Highness, Lynneiah
Reich Elector: His Excellency, The Rt. Hon. Augustus Maximaliaan
Vice-Reich Elector: Vacant
Reich Chancellor: The Rt. Hon. Olde Delaware
Deputy Reich Chancellor: The Rt. Hon. Jet Black
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs: The Rt. Hon. OnderKelkia
Secretary of State for Home Affairs: The Rt. Hon. Gun Nutty Buddies
Secretary of State for Culture: The Rt. Hon. Homo_Ignoramus
The Kaiserin Abdicates
Kurfürstin Viktoria von Hohenzollern
On 25th January, Viktoria von Hohenzollern announced that she would abdicate as Kaiserin of The New Inquisition once certain legislative changes had been agreed by the Diet. On 6th February, the Articles of Abdication Amendment passed the Diet and the Kaiserin formally abdicated. The entire region was deeply saddened to learn of Viktoria von Hohenzollern’s decision to abdicate. In accordance with the Articles of Abdication Amendment, she now assumes the honorary title of Kurfürstin to recognise her position in the region and her duties with regard to the founder nation.
Kaiserin Viktoria founded TNI in March 2006 and has ruled our region continuously as Monarch since the LKE Crown abdicated the throne of TNI to her in September 2006. During her reign of over seven years in length, a duration not often reached by monarchs in NationStates, Kaiserin Viktoria has throughout faithfully led, guided and served the people of TNI. In announcing her intention, Kaiserin Viktoria clarified that she intends to remain involved the region socially but was no longer able to dedicate the time necessary in order to lead it. She is therefore convinced that that abdicating is the best decision for the future of TNI. Kaiserin Viktoria has given so much to life of the region and her standing down is a momentous occasion for TNI as we enter a new stage in our regional history.
In addition to announcing her decision to abdicate, Kaiserin Viktoria carried out her duty and made several other important announcements to the region. First, medals were awarded to Friedrich Wilhelm, Homo_ignoramus and Christopher Bishop in recognition of various political and cultural services which they have performed admirably. Second, Kaiserin Viktoria announced that the Barracks will be renamed the OnderKelkia Hall in recognition of Archduke OnderKelkia's past service as Heir Apparent as well as his past and present leadership of the region's military and intelligence departments. Third, Kaiserin Viktoria granted Plaguelord a peerage as a Baron, raised Edward Leben within the peerage to become a Viscount and elevated Christopher Bishop to become a Duke. Finally, Kaiserin Viktoria offered both general and specific thanks to the many citizens who had served her during her reign.
The Kaiser Ascends
Kaiser Charles Cerebella
Charles Cerebella, Heir Apparent at the time of Kaiserin Viktoria’s abdication, has become Kaiser of The New Inquisition. In a Speech from the Throne, the Kaiser recalled the recent anniversary of TNI’s invasion of The Rejected Realms and other significant regional achievements from during Kaiserin's reign. Far from resting on his laurels, however, the Kaiser immediately embraced the new challenges facing the region, announcing that he would be working with the Government in order to reform the regional them away from that the German Empire in the Bismarck era towards something based on the Prussia of Frederick the Great. Like The New Inquisition, the Kaiser believes that the Prussia of Frederick the Great is a state that triumphed against the odds, rising from nothing to a real power in the system. Legislative proposals will be discussed, with the likelihood being that a number of titles to regional offices and elements of imperial culture will be amended in line with this change of theme. Both the Kaiser’s elevation and his first major decision as Monarch have been greeted with much support from the citizenry of the region.
In addition to outlining his vision to the region, the new Kaiser awarded his first grant of peerage and dealt with key personnel appointments. First, Viktoria von Hohenzollern was created the Archduchess of Neuschwanstein, becoming only the second individual at this level of the peerage, in recognition of her great service as Kaiserin. Second, Lynneiah, possessing great experience across key roles in the region (including three consecutive terms as head of government in 2011), was announced as Crown Princess and Heir Apparent of the Empire. Second, it was announced that Harshhaven, who served as a Prince in 2007-09, would be joining North East Somerset as an ordinary Prince to provide additional support to the administrative team. Finally, North East Somerset and OnderKelkia were confirmed by the Kaiser in their respective existing intelligence, military and administrative positions, with the latter granted the power to grant or deny citizenship.
On being petitioned by various citizens, the Government has authorised a Transfer of Power Event to celebrate the succession of Cerebella to the Throne. This has been titled the Schloß Charlottenburg. The activities involved in this event are being warmly welcomed by the population.
New Treaties Agreed

Kurfürstin Viktoria von Hohenzollern
On 25th January, Viktoria von Hohenzollern announced that she would abdicate as Kaiserin of The New Inquisition once certain legislative changes had been agreed by the Diet. On 6th February, the Articles of Abdication Amendment passed the Diet and the Kaiserin formally abdicated. The entire region was deeply saddened to learn of Viktoria von Hohenzollern’s decision to abdicate. In accordance with the Articles of Abdication Amendment, she now assumes the honorary title of Kurfürstin to recognise her position in the region and her duties with regard to the founder nation.
Kaiserin Viktoria founded TNI in March 2006 and has ruled our region continuously as Monarch since the LKE Crown abdicated the throne of TNI to her in September 2006. During her reign of over seven years in length, a duration not often reached by monarchs in NationStates, Kaiserin Viktoria has throughout faithfully led, guided and served the people of TNI. In announcing her intention, Kaiserin Viktoria clarified that she intends to remain involved the region socially but was no longer able to dedicate the time necessary in order to lead it. She is therefore convinced that that abdicating is the best decision for the future of TNI. Kaiserin Viktoria has given so much to life of the region and her standing down is a momentous occasion for TNI as we enter a new stage in our regional history.
In addition to announcing her decision to abdicate, Kaiserin Viktoria carried out her duty and made several other important announcements to the region. First, medals were awarded to Friedrich Wilhelm, Homo_ignoramus and Christopher Bishop in recognition of various political and cultural services which they have performed admirably. Second, Kaiserin Viktoria announced that the Barracks will be renamed the OnderKelkia Hall in recognition of Archduke OnderKelkia's past service as Heir Apparent as well as his past and present leadership of the region's military and intelligence departments. Third, Kaiserin Viktoria granted Plaguelord a peerage as a Baron, raised Edward Leben within the peerage to become a Viscount and elevated Christopher Bishop to become a Duke. Finally, Kaiserin Viktoria offered both general and specific thanks to the many citizens who had served her during her reign.
The Kaiser Ascends

Kaiser Charles Cerebella
Charles Cerebella, Heir Apparent at the time of Kaiserin Viktoria’s abdication, has become Kaiser of The New Inquisition. In a Speech from the Throne, the Kaiser recalled the recent anniversary of TNI’s invasion of The Rejected Realms and other significant regional achievements from during Kaiserin's reign. Far from resting on his laurels, however, the Kaiser immediately embraced the new challenges facing the region, announcing that he would be working with the Government in order to reform the regional them away from that the German Empire in the Bismarck era towards something based on the Prussia of Frederick the Great. Like The New Inquisition, the Kaiser believes that the Prussia of Frederick the Great is a state that triumphed against the odds, rising from nothing to a real power in the system. Legislative proposals will be discussed, with the likelihood being that a number of titles to regional offices and elements of imperial culture will be amended in line with this change of theme. Both the Kaiser’s elevation and his first major decision as Monarch have been greeted with much support from the citizenry of the region.
In addition to outlining his vision to the region, the new Kaiser awarded his first grant of peerage and dealt with key personnel appointments. First, Viktoria von Hohenzollern was created the Archduchess of Neuschwanstein, becoming only the second individual at this level of the peerage, in recognition of her great service as Kaiserin. Second, Lynneiah, possessing great experience across key roles in the region (including three consecutive terms as head of government in 2011), was announced as Crown Princess and Heir Apparent of the Empire. Second, it was announced that Harshhaven, who served as a Prince in 2007-09, would be joining North East Somerset as an ordinary Prince to provide additional support to the administrative team. Finally, North East Somerset and OnderKelkia were confirmed by the Kaiser in their respective existing intelligence, military and administrative positions, with the latter granted the power to grant or deny citizenship.
On being petitioned by various citizens, the Government has authorised a Transfer of Power Event to celebrate the succession of Cerebella to the Throne. This has been titled the Schloß Charlottenburg. The activities involved in this event are being warmly welcomed by the population.
New Treaties Agreed
Since our last update, The New Inquisition Foreign Office has been busy negotiating and agreeing to two new treaties.
First, the Fraternal Treaty of Thebes has been concluded between Osiris and The New Inquisition. In light of our treaties with The South Pacific and Balder, this marks TNI’s third alliance with a game-created region. This treaty has been as a natural way of solidifying the existing military and diplomatic relations between Osiris and TNI. This relationship has included several exchanges of mutual support in both defensive and offensive military operations.
Second, the Treaty of Obcasia has been agreed with Mazeria. Mazeria is a fellow imperialist region with which TNI has enjoyed a fruitful exchange of military support in several key operations. This treaty therefore reflects the practical benefits of alliance between TNI and Maziera, our cultural affinity as imperialists and TNI’s commitment to working with emerging imperialist powers.
In addition to these treaties, the Green-Black Concordat between TNI, several other regions which raid and certain roleplaying regions was instituted by the Commander of The New Inquisition Armed Forces as an order providing a code of conduct for military operations involving TNI forces, whether operating on their own or through the United Imperial Armed Forces.
Occupation of Slavia
The New Inquisition Armed Forces, through the United Imperial Armed Forces, secured a major defeat for the Founderless Regions Alliance with the invasion of one of their member regions, Slavia, in early January. Together with the militaries of our UIAF partners The Land of Kings and Emperors and Albion, TNIAF led a coalition in an update operation involving 18 units unseating an 11-endorsement Delegate. Since the invasion, members of Slavia have actively sought to repudiate their links with the FRA. This occupation follows on from TNIAF-led invasions of The Rejected Realms, Soviet Union and Fidelia in 2012, as well as the UIAF regions’ withdrawal from a peace conference, called by the then FRA Arch Chancellor, following unprofessional FRA behaviour (including disagreement with the principles the Arch Chancellor had announced the conference on). This invasion represents the clear commitment of TNI to the prosecution of our war on the FRA and of the FRA’s inability to militarily or diplomatically defend its own regions.
In addition this occupation, Commander OnderKelkia announced that he was appointing Edward Leben to become the new Deputy Commander of The New Inquisition Armed Forces. Under the direction of the Commander and in concert with UIAF command officials, this officer has responsibility for providing effective consistent leadership to any single-region operations pursued by TNI and consolidating core TNI military strength.
Elections Underway

The New Inquisition Armed Forces, through the United Imperial Armed Forces, secured a major defeat for the Founderless Regions Alliance with the invasion of one of their member regions, Slavia, in early January. Together with the militaries of our UIAF partners The Land of Kings and Emperors and Albion, TNIAF led a coalition in an update operation involving 18 units unseating an 11-endorsement Delegate. Since the invasion, members of Slavia have actively sought to repudiate their links with the FRA. This occupation follows on from TNIAF-led invasions of The Rejected Realms, Soviet Union and Fidelia in 2012, as well as the UIAF regions’ withdrawal from a peace conference, called by the then FRA Arch Chancellor, following unprofessional FRA behaviour (including disagreement with the principles the Arch Chancellor had announced the conference on). This invasion represents the clear commitment of TNI to the prosecution of our war on the FRA and of the FRA’s inability to militarily or diplomatically defend its own regions.
In addition this occupation, Commander OnderKelkia announced that he was appointing Edward Leben to become the new Deputy Commander of The New Inquisition Armed Forces. Under the direction of the Commander and in concert with UIAF command officials, this officer has responsibility for providing effective consistent leadership to any single-region operations pursued by TNI and consolidating core TNI military strength.
Elections Underway
Recently our head of government Olde Delaware, of the Primrose Legaue, announced that he was dissolving the Reichstag and calling for new elections. Dominius Aurelius, Electoral Commissioner, opened nominations formally and commenced a nominations process lasting ninety-six hours. As it stands, according to most expectations following the most recent term, Olde Delaware is the front-runner to be returned as Reich Chancellor in this election. For the lower house of the legislature, so far there are broadly equivalent numbers from the left, centre and right of TNI’s traditional political spectrum, with the same number of Primrose Legaue and independent candidates, with the number of candidates for the more left-leaning factions being equally divided between the New Progressive Coalition and the Revolutionary Republican Party.
World Assembly Reform Passes
Following debate in both houses of The New Inquisition’s Diet, two bills to reform to the World Assembly Delegate’s position have been passed. The effect of this legislation is streamline the law on the World Assembly Delegate’s office by ensuring that all the relevant rules are contained in Article II, Section IV of the Constitution. New provisions in the Constitution clarify that the World Assembly Delegate can resign and that it is a criminal act for the Delegate to vote except in accordance with the procedure it outlines. The most significant additional provision addresses the question of ensuring the speedy transfer the Delegacy in the event of the Delegate leaving office for whatever reason. The original proposal duplicated content between the Constitution and a statute pertaining to the World Assembly Delegacy, but this was rejected by our upper house, the Herrenhaus, and returned to the lower house, after concerns were voiced by nobles about this situation.