^__^... I'm back!


So I'm now living and legally working in the goddamn beautiful city of Cambridge. Renting an expensive, ickle room in a house (the pic is the sight from my window) which is probably haunted.


Things are better than expected: The weather is not that bad, guys aren't pretentious pricks, chicks aren't ugly (even though they actually drink like Russian sailors and go half naked in freezing cold nights, no surprise on that).


So that's it, TNP, hugs and biscuits for you all!
Welcome to bloody blighty, hopefully you won't lose the will to live.

Thank you Gladio, Chas, Raven ;)

(Is bloody blighty a nickname for England? it doesn't sound good, does it?)
Heya Lenny! I'm in the Netherlands right now, so I'm not as far from you people as I usually am! :D
Great to hear from you Lennart! The houses look all the same :|
They are very similar to each other, they all look haunted.

Thanks DD, McM and Olvern (hey you're going to live there or are you just visiting?)
You're in Cambridge, they don't just look haunted.

Yeah, I'm not the kind of guy who's afraid of ghosts or anything like that, but at night your can hear crazy things, stairs sound like creaking even though there's no one there and one day I heard a man screaming and crying like... close to our house... But asking around the next day, it seems I was the only one who heard it O_o
Great Bights Mum:
You've made the move! Good for you. That's fantastic!
Yes, it is! and everything is going so well I sometimes think there's something bad coming to compensate XP

But I also had good luck with my virtual moving to TNP, back in 2012, thanks for being here and for your good wishes ^__^
Thanks DD, McM and Olvern (hey you're going to live there or are you just visiting?)
I'm just visiting for a school exchange, and I'm back in Singapore now :/