The North Pacific Diplomatic Corps Protocol



The North Pacific Diplomatic Corps

Representing our great region abroad

The North Pacific Diplomatic Corps Protocol


This Protocol is to serve as a guide for all members of The North Pacific Diplomatic Corps. By consulting this Protocol and being familiar with it, it is the hope of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that all Ambassadors are well informed for any events and problems that they may meet while on their assignments. This Protocol heavily borrows from the Canada-Q102 Protocol on Ambassadors and the Great Britain and Ireland Diplomatic Service Protocol. The signature banner for Ambassadors was created by SillyString.

Article I Accreditation and Identification

1. The Ambassador should introduce themselves in an appropriate area of the board, either in The North Pacific’s Embassy (if one exists), or more informally in a general introduction forum.
2. In their introduction thread, the Ambassador should issue the letter of credence they were provided with by the Minister of Foreign Affairs. If the Ambassador were not provided with a letter of credence, they should immediately notify the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
3. Regions often prescribe certain procedures for granting diplomatic forum permissions, and for embassy requests. Most commonly these take the form of filling out an application by means of posting or making a new topic in a certain forum area. Ambassadors should actively search for the prescribed procedures and comply with them, when requesting diplomat masking or applying of the opening of The North Pacific's Embassy, as applicable.
4. Regions may choose varying ways to indicate that a member of their forum is an ambassador. In addition to these, the Ambassador should indicate their status in their signature. This identification should be in the following format:

Article II Visitation and Reports

1. The Ambassador should attempt to visit their assigned embassies at least once a week. Daily activity is the desired situation, should time allow for such.
2. Ideally the Ambassador will provide a monthly update of news from their assigned region in the Ambassador Reports thread set up in the Diplomatic Corps forum. The Ambassador is expected to be able to answer any questions concerning their reports and their assignment in this thread.
3. Ideally the Ambassador will provide a brief monthly update of important news, events and affairs from The North Pacific to their assigned region, to be delivered in The North Pacific’s Embassy in their assigned region. The Ambassador should answer all inquiries for information regarding The North Pacific from nations in the assigned region timely and to their best ability.
4. Ideally the Ambassador will provide copies of The North Pacific Wire to their assigned region, to be delivered in The North Pacific’s Embassy in their assigned region.
5. As well as the above reports, the Ambassador is expected to post any publications produced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for embassy distribution, when instructed so by the Delegate or Minister of Foreign Affairs, in a timely and efficient manner.
6. If ever an Ambassador comes upon a situation in the execution of their duties that leaves them unsure of what the prudent manner of proceeding is, they must immediately contact either the Minister of Foreign Affairs or the Delegate. This applies equally to reporting events of importance to The North Pacific, as well as any diplomatic incidents or information of concern to The North Pacific.
7. At no time shall any Ambassador divulge information of a sensitive nature to any foreign official without express and direct permission from the Minister of Foreign Affairs or the Delegate.

Article III Behavior

1. The Ambassador should only take part in internal affairs or WA resolution discussions if this is welcome in the region. The level of participation for each Ambassador will be determined when the embassy is opened. The Ambassador will be briefed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs or the Delegate.
2. The Ambassador should at all times be mindful of the fact that they are representing The North Pacific, and act accordingly.
3. The Ambassador should be aware of the statutes and conventions of the assigned region and comply with them at all times, as long as these do not require that they violate statutes of The North Pacific or rules of NationStates.
4. The Ambassador should try to participate in the forums of their assigned region in order to acquaint with the natives and help develop the relationship between The North Pacific and the assigned region. Specifically, activity in areas such as roleplayes, spamming games, and other types of games, participating in discussions and debates on real life issues, and attending cultural events organsised by the assigned region are encouraged, as long as these are permitted. Participation in the region IRC channel or regional Skype chat, if either exist and if these are permitted, are strongly encouraged.
5. If the Ambassador wishes to borrow or adopt ideas from their assigned region for use in The North Pacific, or reproduce material from their assigned region in The North Pacific forums, they should first ask someone in a suitable position of authority and abide by that decision. The Ambassador should always clear such requests through either the Minister of Foreign Affairs or the Delegate.
6. The Ambassador should only place a puppet in the region if this is welcome there.
7. The Ambassador should refrain from impolite speech, aggressive or over-bearing behavior, and vulgarity. Politeness and good manners should be the hallmark of the Ambassador.

Last update: January 28th, 2013.
I am going to issue the above as guidelines for our ambassadors' behavior abroad. Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions.
I edited the protocol to change the signature banner to one Asta made. It is the same format as the banner we use for the foreign update, and I think it looks nice on forum signatures.