The Monarchy of British Isles
The Monarch:
His Majesty King Edward IX
Prince of Wales:
His Royal Highness Prince John II
HM Executive Government
Prime Minister:
The Rt. Hon. Matthias Von Richthofen
Deputy Prime Minister:
The Rt. Hon. Klaus Mikaelson
Home Secretary:
The Hon. English Vietron
Foreign Secretary:
The Rt. Hon. Lord Richmond
Culture Secretary:
The Rt. Hon. William Kudrow
The Supreme Court
Chief Justice:
Sr. Associate Justice:
Joshua Krahen
Jr. Associate Justice:
Daniel Astor
The House of Lords
The Duke of Richmond and Somerset:
Lord Richmond
The Duchess of Avondale:
The Lord Gregor of Inverurie:
MacGregor Mikaelson
The Earl of Devon:
The Viscount Dilhorne:
Cameron M. Romefeller
The House of Commons
Southern England:
English Vietron (SDLP)
Northern England:
Matthias Von Richthofen (I)
Victoria (SDLP)
Sir Ardboe Eire (SF)
Northern Ireland:
Lord Ravenclaw (I)
Majority: No Organized Majority
Opposition: No Organized Opposition
The Monarchy of British Isles
The Monarch:
His Majesty King Edward IX
Prince of Wales:
His Royal Highness Prince John II
HM Executive Government
Prime Minister:
The Rt. Hon. Matthias Von Richthofen
Deputy Prime Minister:
The Rt. Hon. Klaus Mikaelson
Home Secretary:
The Hon. English Vietron
Foreign Secretary:
The Rt. Hon. Lord Richmond
Culture Secretary:
The Rt. Hon. William Kudrow
The Supreme Court
Chief Justice:
Sr. Associate Justice:
Joshua Krahen
Jr. Associate Justice:
Daniel Astor

The House of Lords
The Duke of Richmond and Somerset:
Lord Richmond
The Duchess of Avondale:
The Lord Gregor of Inverurie:
MacGregor Mikaelson
The Earl of Devon:
The Viscount Dilhorne:
Cameron M. Romefeller
The House of Commons
Southern England:
English Vietron (SDLP)
Northern England:
Matthias Von Richthofen (I)
Victoria (SDLP)
Sir Ardboe Eire (SF)
Northern Ireland:
Lord Ravenclaw (I)
Majority: No Organized Majority
Opposition: No Organized Opposition
Welcome to our second minor update of January here in British Isles! A lot has been developing in our region since our previous update, and there is always something going on that deserves recognition in the update. However, the aim of this update will be to deliver short snippets of news that will keep you up-to-date on current affairs in government, parliament and culture.
Warm regards,
~His Grace The Rt. Hon. Lord Richmond, Foreign & Commonwealth Secretary ~

Do join us for a spot of tea and crumpets.
News From Buckingham Palace
His Majesty King Edward IX returned from holiday on the 14th of January, ending the long term regency under Prince John II, Prince of Wales. Upon his return he issued the following statement;

His Majesty King Edward IX returned from holiday on the 14th of January, ending the long term regency under Prince John II, Prince of Wales. Upon his return he issued the following statement;
14th January, 2014
Hello everybody,
I am today announcing my return to British Isles and the ending of the regency under Prince John, I would like to thank Prince John for his excellent work as regent and the same thanks to Lord Richmond who aided the prince during this time.
My return from absence has a reason to it, and that is to bring an end to this regions habit of governing by crisis. I will be working closely with Prime Minister Vietron, and any possible future Prime Ministers elected in the coming weeks. With the hope of helping government implement their policies and making sure the foundations for our future are laid down.
I will be setting up a Royal centre for the advancement of British Isles. This will be a think tank which will report back to myself and the Privy Council. It's director will evaluate current political trends in BI and propose a vision for BI's future. This is an attempt to avoid our governing by crisis.
The director will be appointed in the next 24 hours and finally it is good to be back. If anybody has any questions feel free to PM me.
Thank you.
Edward R
Shortly after the return of His Majesty, the Prince of Wales issued a statement on behalf of the Crown taking disciplinary actions against our former Prime Minister. The Statement from the Prince of Wales read as follows;
15 January 2014
Press Office of the Royal Family
I, John the Second, in the name of the true king His Royal Majesty King Edward, ninth of his name, hereby declare that Victoria Windsor, formerly Duchess of Windsor and Countess of Grantham, is now bereft of lordship and the dignities associated with it for her betrayal of the Royal Family by unlawfully gaining administrative privileges on the forum through deceit. Also, after consultation with His Majesty, all honours and knighthoods awarded to Victoria Windsor are hereby removed and she is terminated from the Privy Council. We would also like to announce that she has no relation to the Royal Family of the British Isles, despite rumors that state otherwise. The Royal Family of the British Isles consists of the Prince of Wales and His Majesty the King.
We are unsure as to the next steps to be taken by The Royal Family however as soon as we know, we will let all of you know.
The Return of The German
After a long hiatus from NationStates Lord Matthias Von Richthofen returned to us in what some would call a rather forceful way. Upon the return of the Viscount he immediately returned to the political playing field, registering to run for the House of Commons in the by-election. His Lordship won the by-election by an overwhelming majority and immediately got to work. In a matter of hours he called for the House of Commons to elect a new Prime Minister to fill the vacancy left by the former Prime Minister Miss Victoria.
24 hours after the vote was posted, you guessed it, our own resident German took the office of Prime Minister. After being summoned to Buckingham Palace to meet with His Majesty, Viscount Von Richthofen was asked to form a Government. The Prime Minister gave the following speech from 10 Downing Street.
The Return of The German
After a long hiatus from NationStates Lord Matthias Von Richthofen returned to us in what some would call a rather forceful way. Upon the return of the Viscount he immediately returned to the political playing field, registering to run for the House of Commons in the by-election. His Lordship won the by-election by an overwhelming majority and immediately got to work. In a matter of hours he called for the House of Commons to elect a new Prime Minister to fill the vacancy left by the former Prime Minister Miss Victoria.
24 hours after the vote was posted, you guessed it, our own resident German took the office of Prime Minister. After being summoned to Buckingham Palace to meet with His Majesty, Viscount Von Richthofen was asked to form a Government. The Prime Minister gave the following speech from 10 Downing Street.
Good day everyone.
Let me start by saying that is good to be back. While my absence from the region was necessary, it does not mean that enjoyed being away. I thank you for accepting me back so readily and I intend to keep you from regretting it. Even though this glorious region is not where I got my start, is it the place that I proudly call my home.
Without further rambling, let me get started by saying that I intend to start and finish this term with rapid expansion. After talking with the members I have selected for my Cabinet, it was clear to me that we need to start at home with this expansion. It is because of this that I will be working closely with the members of Parliament to discuss possible ways to expand and define the powers of each office under my leadership. I assure you that these changes will be in the best interest of making the executive branch a strong and effective tool for the region to rely on to guide it in times of need and in times of peace alike.
To accompany this will be new agendas for each branch of the executive, which I will go over now, beginning with the Home Office.
As of now, the region is suffering from a small number of new members entering the region both in terms of new nations and in new citizens. From my understanding, this is because we currently do not have a way to send out recruitment messages with the kind of regularity that other regions have. To counter this, I plan on not only buying stamps myself in order to boost the number of telegrams that we send out, but I intend to work with both my Home Secretary and anyone I can find to create a recruitment tool that we can use so that we are not simply waiting for people to flock to us based on word of mouth alone.
Next we have the Foreign Office. Before my retirement, I had a very specific plan that I was attempting to fulfill that would have saw us pestering every large region in the game with relentless negotiations and other generally bad ideas. During this term, my Foreign Office will be looking to make peace and friendship with some medium and smaller size regions. There are two reasons for this. Chief among them is the potential for growth among these regions. While they may not be the largest regions in the game at the moment, it is possible that they can grow into becoming one of the major powerhouses of the game. That, in turn, would cast a lovely light on us for supporting them when they weren't the massive juggernauts. The other reason is because of their ability to be like u as a region that shares a predicament much like their own in being a medium sized region with hopes of becoming something greater. By banding together, we might be able to assist each other in achieving further glory.
After that, comes the Culture Department. In case you haven't noticed, our Culture is not really that special at the moment. Our once abundant set of businesses, newspapers, and clubs have dwindled down to only a few without excitement or purpose. We have no life, really. It hardly seems like anyone is excited for anything, much less interested in taking part in one of the Culture avenues that we have. It is because of this that we will be looking to bring in newer members who are all about the fun side of the games. That means invite your spamming friends, your RP buddies, that one guy who makes jokes that are sometimes terrible and wonderful at the same time. We need them. With their help, we can expand our horizon and excite visitors to take part in shaping the region with us.
Aside from that, I guess you'll see me do just about the same thing that I always have but with a bit more jump in my step. I intend to listen to the citizens to get their ideas on things and provide them an avenue to give back to the community that we built. Along with that, I intend to find out where the citizenry wants to go with a military. Hell, if I get good enough results I might even go about bringing it back with a one sided, yet neutral approach to the current atmosphere.
Sorry for the terrible speech. It is just one of those days.
Prime Minister: Matthias Von Richthofen
Deputy Prime Minister: Klaus Mikaelson
Home Secretary: English Vietron
Foreign Secretary: Lord Richmond
Culture Secretary: William Kudrow
Viscount Von Richthofen can be seen by many as extremely anal retentive when it comes to matters of Government but right now he is exactly what British Isles needs to get us back on track.
Parliamentary Business
As you might have guessed, Parliament is working, regardless of the pace. At current Lord Richmond has brought to the floor of the House of Lords the repeal of The Crown Prosecution Service Act which was passed in 2013. The legislation was authored by former MP Mark Black.
The House of Commons is currently working on the Election Act Amendment presented by Miss Victoria, MP for Wales. It seems the legislation has the full support of the House of Commons with amendments being made by members during the debating period.
We can only way for more news fro Westminster. As always, when we know, so shall you!
As you might have guessed, Parliament is working, regardless of the pace. At current Lord Richmond has brought to the floor of the House of Lords the repeal of The Crown Prosecution Service Act which was passed in 2013. The legislation was authored by former MP Mark Black.
The House of Commons is currently working on the Election Act Amendment presented by Miss Victoria, MP for Wales. It seems the legislation has the full support of the House of Commons with amendments being made by members during the debating period.
We can only way for more news fro Westminster. As always, when we know, so shall you!
In Other News
For those of you wondering what His Majesty has been up to since his return we can inform you of this. He has been spotted outside of 10 Downing Street glaring at Prime Minister Von Richthofen. New Scotland Yard has been told to say away if they wish to keep their heads.
~Prime Minister Von Richthofen is pretending not to notice His Majesty~
For those of you wondering what His Majesty has been up to since his return we can inform you of this. He has been spotted outside of 10 Downing Street glaring at Prime Minister Von Richthofen. New Scotland Yard has been told to say away if they wish to keep their heads.

~Prime Minister Von Richthofen is pretending not to notice His Majesty~