At Vote:Industrial Pollution Control [Complete] [Complete]


Industrial Pollution Control
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Sakash​

Description: The World Assembly;

AWARE that industrial growth may be essential for economic development, and one of the main sources of employment in many Member Nations,

CONCERNED however, that industrial pollution may negatively impact a nation's environment and population,

WORRIED that unregulated pollution from industries disproportionately affect the poorest segments of society causing social injustice,

CONVINCED that without proper safeguards, industrial pollution may have a detrimental effect on environmental health and public safety resulting in extreme hazard to the population of the nation,

DETERMINED to ensure that a proper balance is struck between economic development and environmental and public health,

ENCOURAGING Member Nations to promote environmentally friendly industry,

1. DEFINES "Threshold of environmental quality" as: "The level of environmental degradation beyond which an area is deemed unsafe for population or unable to sustain natural flora and fauna",

2. DEFINES "pollution" as chemical and energy contaminants that cause adverse change in the environment or the health of a population,

3. TASKS the World Assembly Science Program (WASP) with the following duties:
i. To collect and publish annual reports on industrial pollution in Member Nations,
ii. To work with Member Nations to assess thresholds of environmental quality for their environments,
iii. To help Member Nations assess total economic loss to the nations and their population due to industrial pollution,
iv. To work with Member Nations to estimate the economic viability of adapting the nations' thresholds of environmental quality and to produce suitable recommended targets for pollution reduction,
v. To revise these recommended targets with the changes in economic conditions of the Member Nations,
vi. To promote and encourage research and development to reduce industrial pollution, recycling waste where possible, and improve pollution monitoring,

4. MANDATES Member Nations to implement the following:
i. To adapt thresholds of environmental quality and implementation of pollution reduction targets recommended by WASP,
ii. To establish policies aimed at reaching pollution reduction targets and monitor and ensure compliance with these policies,
iii. To promote pollution control by creating awareness about pollution control measures and technologies, and to encourage research and development efforts in reduction of pollution,
iv. Criminalize violations of this act, with enforcement suitable to the Member Nation,
v. To establish policies that aim to prevent pollution from the nation's industries from causing harm in other nations,

5. ENCOURAGES Nations to promote energy conservation, carbon neutrality and landscaping efforts in and around industries where possible,

6. CLARIFIES that nothing in this act prevents member nations from providing aid, financial, technical, or otherwise, to companies in order to meet the requirements of this act.


This is an evolution on from the author's previous attempt at environmental proposal writing which at the time (thankfully) failed at vote. It seems this was an inspiration to the author to review their strategy in the WA and the end result is a far better finished product in my view.

The act itself isn't particularly invasive which is a point in it's favor, the mandates regarding nations actually seem to be quite reasonable and practical and overall despite one or two typographical errors, the piece reads smooth and well. If there's any obvious flaws in this resolution, they're not jumping off the page. That said, Is it a perfect piece? Definitely not. Are there weaknesses? You bet'cha!

The WASP functions have been extended under this resolution, and utilized well, and overall the aims of the proposal seem to be well intended and easily achieved, loopholes seem to a minimum. The clarifier at the end is very obviously fluff and really redundant in the context of the resolution overall, but not significant enough really to fault the proposal in any solid context.

Overall, a solid performance by the author on a second attempt at legislating in this area.


Considering the above, the Ministry is quite happy to recommend a FOR vote should this continue to work it's way to the voting stages.

As per usual, this should be noted as being a SUGGESTED vote only, please vote FOR, AGAINST or ABSTAIN below.

Ministry Update:

Having discussed this with my Osiran counterpart and looked in on Balder, primarily the former, I've revised the suggested vote as AGAINST. It seems an error, unfortunately possibly typographical, as essentially nullified any good this act could have done. Primarily here:

i. To adapt thresholds of environmental quality and implementation of pollution reduction targets recommended by WASP,

Adapt, should have been adopt here. An unfortunate error, but a fatal one nonetheless and whilst easily overlooked on a cursory reading, the eagle eyed nations out there are guaranteed to spot it, many of which seemingly have.

I'm inclined to think this will still pass, it oozes all the trademarks of a feel good res, but sadly, is likely to be repealed pretty swiftly.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.