People's Republic of Lazarus Foreign Update
January 2014 Edition (Written by Horse, PERGAMON, Matheca, and Milograd)
"Onward in the Glorious March to Harmony!"
Current Lazarene Government
Chairman: Milograd (Endorsements: 155) (Days as Chairman: 55)
Vice-Chairman: Harmoneia
Cultural Governor: Funkadelia
Diplomacy Governor: Matheca
Judicial Governor: Mad Jack
Information Governor: Kazmr
General of People's Militia: DYP
People's Congress: Pergamon, Horse, Stujenske, Libetarian Republics, The Grim Reaper, Feux, Heronlord
All Time Activity Record Set in December
December 2013 was, as predicted, a record breaking month. In fact, it was the most active month in Lazarus' 10-year history. Over 3,600 posts were made in December, and records for users online, registrations, and new topics were also broken.
NS World Fair Cadre Sets Up Spectacular Booth: Little Red Books, Games, and More!
The announcement of The South Pacific as the NS World Fair host drew lots of excitement and anticipation from the citizens of the People's Republic of Lazarus. Primarily, it was because Chairman Milograd had declared the World Fair to be the perfect dais to showcase the vibrance of the Lazarene community and itscultural treasures to the world, an opportunity to show the world just how far Lazarus has come. Cultural Governor Funkadelia was put in charge of all the activities, with major contributions from comrades Horse and Pergamon to the setting up of the Lazarus booth.
A brainstorming session was held which saw the evolution of many unique ideas which made it through the final cut into the Lazarene booth at the World Fair. Ex- Chairwoman Harmoneia offered to write an elaborate essay on Lazarene class struggles, while 'The Little Red Book' was the primary project pursued by the World Fair Cadre. Governor Kazmr showcased his art in an elaborately planned exhibit, and comrade Horse offered to liven up the mood with a few games and activities. Drafting 'The Little Red Book' became one of the main objectives of the cadre, with the final result showcasing some of the most inspirational, patriotic and glorious quotes of the party members. The final result for the World Fair booth was a collective effort of the Lazarene community and managed to encapsulate the current mood and activity of the region perfectly. Many party members were instrumental in making this happen and the credit goes to the entire cadre.
Chairman Milograd summed up the effort by saying:
"I enjoyed this project and I look forward to a great world fair. I think that the work we did here will reflect the gains made by our community quite well."
The Cultural District witnessed a new breakthrough in terms of forum activity, implementation of new ideas and a whole slew of ideas and projects which were started by cultural Governor Funkadelia. The Community History Project sought to update the People's Republic's most recent History, the most recent delegates, their tenures, coup attempts and the Revolution. The project witnessed major contributions from ex-delegates Feux and Harmoneia who painstakingly managed to compile and update the history of the region till the present day.
Apart from this, Funkadelia implemented his pet project theLazarene People's Gaming Union, as a novel way to bring together the gaming aficionados of the Lazarus community and encourage activity and participation. 'It is a [/]union for the various gaming members of Lazarus to share their gaming profiles and so we can all play games together once in a while.' said Governor Funkadelia. The project was met with a great response with several members of the Lazarene community signing up for it, and calling it a wonderful idea.
IRC activity on Lazarus reached a new high, with the channel having no less than eleven members at a given time. The IRC channel proved to be a major way to reach out to the citizens of Lazarus and provided great connectivity between the government and the people. Activity records in Lazarus created history yet again with the forum posts reaching a resounding 15,000 up from nearly 8,000 posts in November 2013.
Government Appointments
There have been a few shakeups in the government.
- Bruteland replaced Hobbes as SC Marshal.
- Meow Zedong replaced PrussianEmpire as an Army Officer.
- Horse replaced Earth and Freedom as a Congressman.
- [Elections are underway to replace the outgoing Vice-Chairman, Harmoneia. Hobbes, Funkadelia, and Kazmr are running as candidates.
- Cam was appointed as Cultural Organizer.
- Tano was appointed as Recruitment Officer.
The Information District published six issues in December. They can be found here. The District is currently discussing the idea of interviewing Lazarenes on a more regular basis and on reporting internationally. Bodobol, Charax, and Economic Determinists have stepped up to join the staff this month.
Forum Software Upgraded
In an effort commissioned and sponsored by Comrade Milograd, First Tiger Hobbes constructed a new forum for Lazarenes to gather at and converse, with a modicum of help from South Pacifican Hileville. The effort to construct the new forums took a little over a day, completing construction last Saturday, 21 December late in the evening. Those contributing to construction agreed that the job was both tiresome and frustrating. The upgrade caused some confusion among citizens, as passwords had to be changed to manually log in, but the overall transition was smooth. There were a few snags reported, however Hobbes managed to address them swiftly so no inconvenience was caused.
The new forums were well received by the people, and the majority of the people were of the opinion that the forums looked better, and were much easier to use. Hobbes recieved widespread appreciation for his work in improving the forums, with compliments for his work pouring in from all directions. Milograd has also been applauded for funding the project.
LLA Achieves Major Successes Against The Black Riders and Fascists
This month was a great success for the LLA. It has seen a large spurt of activity in the defender world, working with its many allies to liberate regions. The greatest example of this was the liberation of Asia, which has been used as the example of what happens when defenders put their differences aside and agree to work together. The liberation, which took place at Major update on the 27th, took around 40 people in the operation. The coalition used non-WA nations with flags that would grab attention (such as Mahaj’s and Unibot’s flag) to try and trick the delegate into moving to ban them instead of using their precious time to ban actual WA's. This tactic, along with the major surge of troops, was successful, as several of the banjections were wasted on those nations. The liberation is being heralded as one of the funnest liberations, and the largest operation of the 2013 year. The following organizations took part in the liberation: TITO, the UDL, the FRA, Spiritus, Wintreath, and The South Pacific. A big thank you goes out to all that helped in the liberation, and may we continue this great amount of success in every liberation we do.
Some other highlights include, but are not limited to:
- 12/7/13- Defense of 3 regions
- 12/17/13- Defense of Zombie Prevention, Unitarian Union, and Hong Kong
[*]12/24/13- Defense of Nulla Vitae, and Marijuana 4 All.
[*]12/27/13- Liberation of Asia
[*]12/30/13- Liberation of Italy
[*]12/31/13- Liberation of Darwin Allied Republics
[*]1/5/13- Liberation of Coalition of Leftist Comrades
[*]1/5/13- Defense of Soviet Union
Lazarene People Triumphantly Defend Themselves From Griff's Coup Attempt
Kazmr delivers a motivational speech to the defense cadres.
"When the People's Republic of Lazarus issued the clarion call to save our beloved homeland from the clutches of the counterprosperity traitor group, the Lazarene people, both young and old, were the first to hurl themselves into struggle, flocked into the war cadres in the region and on the RMB, composed of the finest sons and daughters of the game, filled the ranks of the partisan battalions which were expanded into brigades and divisions and which, today, constitute our regular Lazarene Liberation Army." -- (Cultural District Briefing on the History of the Republic)
On December 7th, 2013, Chairman Milograd issued a warning to all citizens of Lazarus that the region had entered a state of emergency and defense against a reactionary invasion. Griffin Somerset, our former delegate and a former friend to the people of Lazarus, had chosen for the second time to attempt to overthrow the government and had started swapping endorsements for the sake of overthrowing the legitimate Lazarene government. During her first attempt in 2012, she approached the United Defenders League about "liberating" Lazarus from its popularly elected incumbent delegate due to her opinions losing the favor of the EC. This time, she declared her plot to the people in her telegrams, but after telegramming the entire region she only managed to garner 30 endorsements from over 200 WA nations. The people's rejection of her underlying promise of a return to regional decay were immediately self-evident.
Regardless, the response to her subversive assault was vigorous and unremitting. Allies of the PRL assisted in upholding the security of the region by endorsing Milograd and the other endorsees. Supporters of the Lazarus both old and new flooded the regional message board with statements that declared their support for the legitimate government and pointed out the flaws in Griffin's rhetoric, lies, and promises. Observers declared their frustration at the disruption that Griffin had brought to the tranquility and order in their home. Old Guard Lazarene members, such as Trackeendy, Drop Your Pants, and Harmoneia also rallied express their disappointment at a member they once considered a reasonable friend.
The struggle was a painful one, as it is never fun to war against an old friend nor is the necessity to defend your region against an invasion ever welcomed, but nonetheless it had to be done. Milograd calmly addressed Griffin and addressed her concerns, but ultimately the fact that she chose to resort to armed rebellion before taking a more reasonable course of action, such as talking to him, only lost her his favor and proved why she was banned in the first place. Her tendency to make hasty decisions that threaten the region's good for the sake of preserving her unpopular preferences about Lazarus' management was disconcerting to the people. She marched onto the RMB and declared that she would bring the democracy that the people wanted and that Feux "stole" from them, even though Feux's anti-democratic platform in the 2013 elections defeated her democratic platform. Similarly, Chairman Milograd made a thread about democratization in the citizen's forum, and it was unanimously rejected by the citizenry due to their support of his vision and power to pursue it.
The struggle lasted for over a week, and ended when Milograd coordinated a last-second slingshot of the delegacy to Former Delegate Drop Your Pants, who then sent Griffin's nation to The Rejected Realms Penal Colony. DYP says that he would have preferred not having to have done it, but that Griff's disruption and recklessness made it necessary. Later, Game Administrator Ballotonia announced that the game feature that Griff exploited to make her coup attempt possible had been patched. Banning high-influence invader nations costs a lot of influence and therefore it is wholly unreasonable that they can return to their regions after CTEing (bans expire) with minimal loss in influence, and therefore, for now on, nations will lose all influence they have in regions except for the one that they CTE in after they go inactive.
Lazarenes that participated in our fight for freedom were awarded a ribbon for their efforts, and overall the people were joyful after tranquility was restored. Governor Kazmr joked, "I never thought I'd see Griffin Somerset stir activity in Lazarus."
Judicial District Runs Mock Trial
Christmas in one of the most important festivals around the world. It was revealed however, that one sole man searched to destroy christmas and ruin it for everybody: The Grinch. The People's Republic of Lazarus could not stand such a cruesome crime and charged the Grinch with a full list of his crimes, but primary focused on the crime of treason. It was believed that his actions would destroy the harmony and unity of the republic and as such, destroy the republic from withhin. Comrade Mad Jack opened the court of the Grinch Case and acted as judge of Lazarus. He nominated Pergamon for the state's prosecution, defending the values and rights of the People's Republic. The Grinch however, chose a very competent advocat, Kogvuron to defend his rights in trial. Regardless of all cruel crimes, the advocat revealed the true motivation of the accused and explained that christmas is not a festival of harmony or unity but one with religious and capitalizt . Thus the accused tried to defend the People's Republic from this burgeois influence and was in fact a most loyal subject to Lazarus. Judge Mad Jack declared "not guilty". The case was closed and the accused was set free.
This was the first trial held in the People's Republic and a great success regarding the constitution and values of Lazarus. The participators have been congratulated for their efforts and enthusiasm.
WA Activity in the People's Republic: PRL Members Draft and Vote
Chairman Milograd, First Tiger/Officer Hobbes, and Governor Kazmr drafted a commendation of the outgoing Vice-Chairman of the People's Republic, Harmoneia. Harmoneia has been a contributor to Lazarus since its infancy and has been always been a valued member of our community; the commendation was met with strong support on our off-site vote and in our in-game vote, with many old Lazarenes showing up to voice their support of the condemnation, and the resolution won by a landslide vote in the Security Council.
Furthermore, Chairman Milograd, with the help of TWP's WA Minister, Douria, has drafted a repeal of GA#75, the "International Radio Act". The resolution was proposed for a number of reasons. GA#75 presents an inadvertent danger to civilians, since exposing civilians to highly powerful waves can cause long-term health issues including cancer. Furthermore, the requirement for nations to maintain radio services for utilities that they may not even have is too inflexible for a body as diverse as the WA, and further believing that maintaining superfluous services is costly to member states.
The PRL is pleased to see that it's first state-drafted resolution has passed in the SC, and also hopes that, when the time comes, our allies and friends abroad will support Chairman Milograd's attempt to repeal GA#75.
In terms of voting, the PRL voted as follows:
- Condemn The Black Riders -- For [SC]
- Commend Harmoneia -- For [SC]
- Freedom to Bear Arms -- Against [GA]
- Pollution Control Act -- Against [GA]
- Repeal "Dignified End of Life Choices" -- For [GA]
- Freedom to Bear Arms -- Against [GA]
- Repeal "The Early Learning Act" -- For [GA]
- On Network Neutrality -- For [GA]
- Right to Adequate Shelter -- Against [GA]
- Repeal "Cultural Heritage Protection" -- For [GA]
"The Grinch has finally taken Christmas
From us innocent Lazarenes!
Fear not, for we shall take it back,
With force of will,
In huge Christmas sacks!
But one amongst us
who is without sin
Should cast the first stone
At this almighty Christmas din
Are we not all guilty
Of failing to uphold Christmas spirit?
Is it not our fault
That the Grinch chose not to do his bit?
Surely we must repent
For our own negligence!
Who amongst us can truly say
That we sacrificed to keep the spirit that day?
We must strive forever
To spread the word
To protect the people
Around the NS world
And let me just say
That without delay
The Grinch must be freed
To help us spread good cheer
All throughout the year
This, my friends, is how I plead."
by Meow Zedong ~ PRL VS The Grinch
Thanks for reading our monthly update! Lazarus wishes you a happy and successful New Year!