Anathema Armaments
Heya folks, figured I might as well introduce myself.
Anathema or Ath. Yeah that's me, hello!
Main Nation?:
Anathema Armaments, prime distributor of fine goods and mercenary military personal and supplies.
RL Country?:
I'm an Australian, living in the south eastern suburbs of Victoria, just below Melbourne. There are fascinating life forms here.
Favourite Colour(s)?:
Purple, I know it's a girlyish colour, but it's one of the few colors I can actually register. #Colourblindforlife.
Do you use IRC?:
Not really, my internet is fairly shaky at best. It has a tendency to drop out at the worst moments. Usually when downloads hit 98%.
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?:
My personal Ideology is Liberal, I'm an equalist and compassionate soul. But I made my main nation a Capitalist, Slave-driving, Environment destroying financial juggernaut just for a bit of laughs. As a liberal soul in Australia, it's confusing since the Liberal Party in power is actually conservative, go figure.
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?:
I'm quite partial to roleplay, not looking to jump into it hard since I have a busy RL. Forum games are always good value.
annnnnnnd that's me. If you've got any questions ask away.
It's a pleasure to be with you all
Anathema or Ath. Yeah that's me, hello!
Main Nation?:
Anathema Armaments, prime distributor of fine goods and mercenary military personal and supplies.
RL Country?:
I'm an Australian, living in the south eastern suburbs of Victoria, just below Melbourne. There are fascinating life forms here.
Favourite Colour(s)?:
Purple, I know it's a girlyish colour, but it's one of the few colors I can actually register. #Colourblindforlife.
Do you use IRC?:
Not really, my internet is fairly shaky at best. It has a tendency to drop out at the worst moments. Usually when downloads hit 98%.
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?:
My personal Ideology is Liberal, I'm an equalist and compassionate soul. But I made my main nation a Capitalist, Slave-driving, Environment destroying financial juggernaut just for a bit of laughs. As a liberal soul in Australia, it's confusing since the Liberal Party in power is actually conservative, go figure.
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?:
I'm quite partial to roleplay, not looking to jump into it hard since I have a busy RL. Forum games are always good value.
annnnnnnd that's me. If you've got any questions ask away.
It's a pleasure to be with you all