A second Espionage Amendment bill


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
What do people think of this alternate bill:

1. Section 1.2 of the Legal Code shall be amended to read:
Section 1.2: Espionage
6. "Espionage" is defined as sharing information with a group or region when that act of sharing has not been legitimately sanctioned by the entity the information is gathered from, as limited by this section.
7. The information shared must not be accessible to a person who is not a member of the region or group it is gathered from except by cracking technical security measures.
8. Sharing information with an individual member of a group or region not otherwise legitimately allowed this information shall be considered sharing information with that group or region.
9. The information must be gathered from The North Pacific or a foreign power it has agreed by treaty to prohibit espionage against.
10. The Regional Assembly has agreed to prohibit espionage against Europeia.
11. The Speaker will update the preceding clause as appropriate.
2. Any clauses which require renumbering shall be corrected as appropriate.
8. Sharing information with an individual member of a group or region not otherwise legitimately allowed this information shall be considered sharing information with that group or region.

The unintended consequences of this clause are somewhat staggering - I am completely opposed.

This would, I believe, be a better solution:

6. "Espionage" is defined as sharing information with a group or region when that act of sharing has not been legitimately sanctioned by the entity the information is gathered from, as limited by this section.
Okay then... How about:

1. Section 1.2 of the Legal Code shall be amended to read:
Section 1.2: Espionage
6. "Espionage" is defined as sharing information when that act of sharing has not been legitimately sanctioned by the entity the information is gathered from, as limited by this section.
7. The information shared must not be accessible to a person who is not a member of the region or group it is gathered from except by cracking technical security measures.
8. The revelation of actual criminal activity to a prosecutor of The North Pacific, and subsequently by them as necessary to prosecute, is sanctioned by this law.
9. The information must be gathered from The North Pacific or a foreign power it has agreed by treaty to prohibit espionage against.
10. The Regional Assembly has agreed to prohibit espionage against Europeia.
11. The Speaker will update the preceding clause as appropriate.
2. Any clauses which require renumbering shall be corrected as appropriate.
Broadly I'm good with it. Not sure about 8 specifically though - revelation to a prosecutor is more specific than might be appropriate. What if it's the prosecutor committing the crime? What if it's a dual TNP-Euro citizen revealing Euroian crimes? I'd prefer to have revelation of criminal activity in general protected... How about this?

8. All acts of sharing which reveal criminal activity within or on the behalf of any entity protected by this section are sanctioned by this law.

An alternative to "any entity protected by this section" could be "within or on the behalf of The North Pacific, or any foreign entity it has agreed by treaty to prohibit espionage against", but that seems quite wordy, redundant with the following clause, and the shorter version, I think, covers it sufficiently.