A Discussion on GCR-GCR Recruitment

A discussion on GCR-GCR Recruitment
By the Grim Reaper, on behalf of the government of Lazarus


In light of the World Fair 2014, many interesting lectures and essays have been put forward to the community as a whole. I personally recently attended Sir Paul's lecture, a fascinating piece on NS journalism which was both enlightening in a historical sense and invigorating in a more practical sense. However, in the auditorium immediately following, certain members of the GCR community happened to begin speaking about a topic that I personally wish to wave the flag for, and which many prominent members of Lazarus find to be worth talking about - recruitment by GCRs of GCRs.

For the purposes of discussion, we propose that GCR-GCR recruitment refer to a state of affairs where as a matter of a healthy, pan-GCR relationship (here, GCR referring to 'source' regions - feeders, sinkers, and TRR - as opposed to also including the Warzones), all GCRs 'Telegram' recruit from all others by any manner they wish (manual, scripted, some other esoteric method). Whilst it is assumed that this would be a generally peace-time affair, in the hypothetical scenario where two GCRs were to make war, it seems that once such a status quo was put in force, it would be more than self-defeating for any one GCR to attempt to change such a status quo.

In other words, the denunciation of the customary law forbidding GCRs from recruiting from each other, an action traditionally considered to constitute a hostile action. Our hope is for all GCRs to recruit from each other, without any political stigma whatsoever within the GCR community.

This would be a move that absolutely necessitates discussion, and hence this is not a proposal of action in itself, but a call for formal interregional discussion.

On behalf of Lazarus, I wish to put forward the following points of discussion:

1. If GCRs were to actively recruit from each other, GCRs would not just find their active recruitment rates stay consistent, but in fact increase. The theory we wish to propose is based on the fact that every new nation receives roughly 20 recruitment telegrams before their inbox fills, with all others bouncing or recruitment being turned off. As of current, all 20 are UCR telegrams. A GCR in addition only telegrams one ninth of potential GCR recruitment flow, through their own welcome telegrams. The theory we propose is that detractors of GCR recruitment are therefore forcing GCRs to enforce an artificial limitation on their own recruitment. It does not change a GCR's ability to recruit whether or not those 20 telegrams are all UCR, or 8/20th GCR. Instead, mutual recruiting ENHANCES the GCR community as a whole, as every single GCR recruiting telegram is of fractional benefit, with literally no cost to the recipient GCR.

2. GCR recruitment is a positive and wholly beneficial state of affairs by promoting Selective Retention. New or returning players entranced by the concept of a GCR as extremely powerful actors in global affairs, and as a melting pot of GCR communities and a bastion for the cosmopolitan NSer, as well as the regionalist NSer, in a way UCRs rarely are, often still find themselves hindered by the fact that they are simply not advertised to. GCRs do not seem like a sensible option in the same way that UCRs which actively recruit do. And so, there are innumerous democratic new players who are never exposed to TSP's colourful politics, strong-willed regionbuilders who are never exposed to the infinite civil war that is Osiris, leftist, less 'serious' players who want to have fun in a defending army as Lazarus', or an army like TSP's or TRR's. There are a myriad of dictatorial players who have never considered the Pacific, or quiet history buffs who have never been exposed to the ancients that reside in TWP's ivory tower. Legislative masterminds who have never seen the knots and loopholes of TNP law, and budding Imperialists who have never had the chance to rub shoulders with Balder's big names, and writers without a table to rest their quill on unless they find TEP.

That is not a good achievement for GCRites as a whole - we must promote each others varied skills, and we have an outlet to do so that takes literally no effort from ourselves - to stop caring about fellow GCRites who recruit from us, and give and take in equal manner with not a trace of animosity.


I absolutely invite you to take part in discussion on this thread, and to invite other interested parties and GCR officials to discuss on this thread. If for whatever reason this thread was not posted in a public viewing arena, we absolutely invite you to move it to a section of your forums where you think it will get the most appropriate traffic, and remind you this discussion is absolutely open, without classification.

The OP or another nominated player will forward any concerns to the individuals who are facilitating this discussion, who will endeavour to prepare more material on the piece that we have brought forward. The individuals who are most involved in facilitating this discussion on Lazarus' part are myself (The Grim Reaper) and Milograd.

On behalf of Lazarus,
The Grim Reaper

Meow Zedong | Siam Meow
TheGrimReaper on Espernet IRC (If I'm on, I'm generally on any of the GCR Espernet IRC channels)

Personal Disclosure:
Lazarene Congressman
Lazarus Liberation Army Officer
Lazarene Ambassador to the South Pacific, Osiris
The South Pacific Citizen / Assembly Participant
Equilism Senator