[Complete]Passed: Commend Harmoneia [Complete]


Commend Harmoneia
A resolution to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region.

Category: Commendation

Nominee: Harmoneia

Proposed by: Milograd​

Description: The Security Council,

Believing that dedication and contribution to the success of communities is an act that fulfills the Security Council's goals of promoting international goodwill and peace, and that nations that achieve that aim are deserving of commendation,

Acknowledging that the nation of Harmoneia has a storied history of dedication and contribution to the region of Lazarus, that the region was the original region were new nations reformed after ceasing to exist, and that Harmoneia's efforts there include, but are by no means limited to:

Being a member of the regional community for over eight years at the time of this resolution's writing,

Serving as the region's WA Delegate five times, which is more than any other nation in Lazarene history,

Spearheading the efforts as WA Delegate in 2005 that led to Lazarus achieving regional forum activity records that stood until 2013, which is significant because it is an accomplishment that starkly contrasted the previous status quo of inactivity in Lazarus, and showed the potential for life in the "region of revival",

Serving as the community's administrator on all three of its historical forums, and thus being responsible for maintaining and preserving a core home to Lazarus' community,

Contributing to the preservation of Lazarus's 10-year history by maintaining the forums and recording information in descriptive accounts that detail the region's past,

Being a co-founding member state of the modern government of Lazarus, the People's Republic, which has been responsible for setting hitherto unseen levels of success for Lazarus in the fields of cultural, military, political, and legislative activity,

Realizing that Harmoneia's contributions and activities extend beyond Lazarus, and that Harmoneia created the region of Jethnea, a region that at one point had over 300 nations,

Noting that that Jethnea is a founding member of the Founderless Regions Alliance, which is an organization whose member states have been been previously commended by the Security Council for their activities in defense of the world's regions,

Appreciating Harmoneia's long career of defending regions against invasions, and the nation's service in organizations such as the Founderless Regions Alliance ("FRA"), the United Defenders League ("UDL"), and the Lazarene Liberation Army ("LLA"),

Affirming that the above stated actions constitute dedication and contribution to the success of communities both big and small in the world,

Hereby Commends Harmoneia.

Co-authored by Hobbesistan and Kazmr.

Seasons greetings to you all from the Ministry. Considering the time of year, this will be a short review, although there's really not a tremendous amount to review in this instance. The Ministry, along with some of the below voters share the opinion that this could have benefited from a draft thread. While there's not a tremendous amount wrong with it, it certainly could have been refined in places. That said, the arguments presented relating to Harmoneia are good and appear to be pretty solid overall.


in this instance, the Ministry would rather forgive the eager mistake of the author of fast submitting rather than drafting in the usual form than see it reflect poorly on the target who otherwise deserves a solid Commendation in the view of this Minister. As a result, the suggested vote for this proposal is FOR.

As per usual this is a suggested vote only, please vote FOR, AGAINST or ABSTAIN as required below.
While I don't like the fact no discussion thread was posted on the NS forum, I do believe her actions are commendable.

Therefore, I am in favor.
I'm against due to the absolute lack of drafting - and the failure by the author to put up a post on the forums even after submission. I mean, seriously ... is it that hard to create a "SUBMITTED" thread?

While I understand that this is largely a region-oriented commendation, the lack of international input being sought makes me wonder why international support is expected ...
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.