December 2013 Report


World Factbook Entry: Welcome to "NationStates", aiming to become one of the strongest ranking regions. Pro-Economy, Pro-Society, Pro-WA, Pro-Peace; Join our glory! Above all freedom for all nations to control their own destinies in a region free from war.

The NationStates region ended July 2013 with 367 Nations. Since that period our Region has seen a rather stable population through mid-October when we saw a month long decline to 350 Nations. With the new recruitment templates we have seen far more competition for new nations resulting in 40% to 50% of all telegrams either being blocked or too late (“In Box Full”). Of the remaining 50% of telegrams less than 1% results in movement into the region down 50% from the summer and 90% from the spring. However, over Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks we have seen increases from 350-370 Nations and then to 385 Nations. Overall we are still between 25th and 30th in the JenGov World in population.

Our Delegate, Mikeswill, continues to find WA support currently at 49 Endorsements keeping the Region well represented in the WA relative to non-feeder Delegate votes.

In the Word Assembly, the NationStates region (since August 1, 2013) voted with the Majority opinion on 22 occasions, the Minority on 11 occasions, and 1 Abstention. (Our voting record may be found at:

The NationStates region stands against the Security Region for ideological reasons. As such our voting record is indicative of our position. Therefore, we logged 9 Majority votes and 14 Minority indicating the Jennifer Government Land is beginning to agree with the ridiculousness of the institution.

Mikes Hope Essence of Mikeswill
WA Delegate
NationStates Region