Repeal "Child Firearm Safety Act"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
Category: Repeal
Resolution: GA#235
Proposed by: The Last Homely House
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
Category: Repeal
Resolution: GA#235
Proposed by: The Last Homely House
Description: WA General Assembly Resolution #235: Child Firearm Safety Act (Category: Gun Control; Decision: Tighten) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
Argument: CONGRATULATING the efforts made by GA#235,
CONCERNED the measures taken by GA#235 are unspecific and inadequate for proper safety,
REALIZING the definition of a minor is inefficient for its purpose and can be easily changeable by a nation so that a majority age could be as low as they wish or a minority race may be unable to wield a gun,
HIGHLIGHTS a "reasonable manner" for the storage of a gun is not clearly defined and is open for broad interpretation,
SHOCKED that a child is not allowed to receive a gun because they can only receive a gun after demonstrating knowledge of proper usage and would have to receive the gun before demonstrating their knowledge, thus making it impossible for a child to demonstrate their knowledge,
BELIEVING an individual should not need to demonstrate their knowledge of the use of a gun if they wish to attain the gun for emergency purposes and has no intent of using the gun,
HEREBY repeals GA#235.
CO-AUTHOR Saveyou Island