- TNP Nation
- McMasterdonia

January 2014
The Government of The North Pacific
Delegate: McMasterdonia
Vice Delegate: Democratic Donkeys
Minister for Foreign Affairs: r3naissan3r
Minister for Communications: Iro
Minister for Defence: Blue Wolf II
Minister for Culture and Entertainment: Lord Ravenclaw
Minister for World Assembly Affairs: Abacathea
Speaker of the Regional Assembly: Zyvetskistaahn
Deputy Speakers: Bootsie, Lord Nwahs
Security Council:
Chairman: Democratic Donkeys
Members: Great Bights Mum, BlackShear, Grosseschnauzer, Romanoffia, Former English Colony, McMasterdonia, Democratic Donkeys, Lennart
The Court
Attorney General: Kiwi
Chief Justice: Crushing Our Enemies Associate Justice: Romanoffia, Flemingovia
Forum: http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/index/
Map: http://map.thenorthpacific.org/
TNP-Wire: https://twitter.com/NewsTNP
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/xMGxYi
IRC: http://cbe001.chat.mibbit.com/?server=irc.esper.net&channel=#tnp
Laws: http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/pages/laws/
Changes to the Cabinet
Minister of DefenceToday, I announce that Blue Wolf II will serve as the new Minister of Defence for the North Pacific starting immediately in the role. This is following a discussion by NPA High Command and between myself and Blue Wolf II.
Blue Wolf II was the Delegate responsible for the reformation of the North Pacific Army and appointed me to serve as the first Minister of Defence of the new army in 2012. As Blue Wolf II has left the Security Council and now has a mobile WA nation, this combined with his well known military experience has placed him in the perfect position to lead the North Pacific Army in the months ahead.
Together we will be working on establishing clear goals for the North Pacific Army and BWII will be responsible for involving members of High Command and lower ranking officers in working to achieve these goals. The NPA is a regional military and must be well versed in all aspects of military gameplay, with our primary responsibility being to serving the regions interests and protecting and supporting our allies.
I wish him the best of luck and I hope to see the military return to high levels of activity.
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Firstly, I would like to thank Democratic Donkey's for his service in the position over the last month and a half or so.
For the new term ahead I have decided to appoint r3naissanc3r as Minister of Foreign Affairs. R3n has been an active participant in this region for quite a long time now and has previously served as Chief Justice. He is also one of the biggest contributors to law reform in the Regional Assembly.
The focus of the Ministry will be regular foreign updates (obviously), a review of inactive embassies and pursuing closer relations with our fellow GCR's.
The rest of the cabinet will be:
Minister of Communications: Iro
Minister of WA Affairs: Abacathea
Minister of Culture and Entertainment: Lord Ravenclaw
For various reasons, but mostly due to the lack of a goal for the Ministry, I have decided to disband the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I would like to thank Reginald Carmichael for his service in the cabinet.
Written by McMasterdonia
Judical Election Results
The North Pacific has concluded elections for our new Justices and our new Attorney General. Congratulations to Chief Justice Crushing Our Enemies, perennial candidate and returning Justice Romanoffia, and finally, somewhat of a shock to us all, our new Justice, but ever enduring Deity, Flemingovia! A hearty congratulation to our new Attorney General Kiwi, who has certainly brought life and discipline to an erstwhile derelict position.
This election saw some new faces in the mix. We want to congratulate them as well on their dedication, and encourage them to continue to put themselves forward for our region in the many elections to come.
Written by Democratic Donkeys
General Elections
Elections for the offices of Delegate, Vice Delegate and Speaker were held at the beginning of the month. The election for the position of Delegate was fairly quiet with the only hiccup occurring when Tim lost citizenship half way through the nomination period. McMasterdonia won the election easily with 86% of the vote.
The position of Speaker of the Regional Assembly was hotly contested by incumbent Speaker Zyvetskistaahn, Deputy Speaker Bootsie and perennial candidate Leekem. Zyvetskistaahn focused on efficiency in the office of Speaker, Bootsie's campaign focused on his personal mission "To represent the Regional Assembly as a whole, and the Legislative Branch of our government." Leekem's platform focused on interaction with new citizens: "I believe that as Speaker you must interact with your citizens. You must help if they need it, you must clarify if clarification is needed and you must have the personality and mentality to help your region. You will learn about my platform on newcomers, I have a huge platform on them as I am still considered one." Zyvetskistaahn won reelection with 58% of the vote.
The office of Vice Delegate was contested by Democratic Donkeys, Abacathea, Blue Wolf II and Geniva. Democratic Donkeys raised significant momentum early on with a exploratory committee with several high profile TNPer's coming out in support of the TNP stalwart. This coupled with the endorsement of the Former Vice Delegate, Sanctaria shot Democratic Donkey's to a solid victory.
Written by McMasterdonia
The North Pacific Falls to the Skeleton Queen
On a quiet day in the North Pacific, the Skeleton hoards marched on Magicality City. There was no time for the Security Council to spring into action as they were violently awoken from their beds and arrested by the Skeleton Queen. The Delegate quickly surrendered and handed the region over to the Skeleton Army.
Residents quickly rallied to the RMB to express their disgust and feelings of betrayal that the Delegate would give up so easily.

The Skeleton Queen enjoyed terrorizing residents of the North Pacific
"We're no territory of you "skeleton army" your majesty and it would be best to refrain from calling us such. For we North Pacific Citizens value our freedom and we are the largest and most powerful region in the world; it wouldn't be a good idea to provoke us..." ~ Valkany
The North Pacific has returned to peace and tranquility as the Skeleton Army has returned home. We dare not consider rebellion out of fear that they will return for us.
Written by Terrified Citizens
Rioting in the streets of nations throughout the North Pacific has been reported this evening following the resignation of the much loved nation Blue Wolf II. Reports suggest that protesters are threatening to move their protest to the regional IRC channel in the hopes that they can be further ignored there. The region itself has gone into a state of mourning following the announcement earlier today but experts are convinced that like all drama in the North Pacific, it will be forgotten by the end of the week unless someone is taken to Court over it, in which case it will be kept on our televisions for the foreseeable future.

Some of the latest reports and images from protests suggest that the protest's message is not a united one. One protester alleged that he was there to protest a lack of silliness in the speaker's office alleging that the resignation of the loyal nation of SillyString from the office has resulted in forecast silly levels not being met whilst another protester (pictured above) was concerned by the 'horrible use' of pie charts in the recent election results even though there were no pie charts available for the results in question.
An organiser of one of the protests who wished to remain anonymous stated: "I believe this is all a big conspiracy," utilising the latest legal protection and loophole from the Regional Court. "We are protesting a great many things here today as is our right under the constibillocode. Security Council members are dropping like flies. Most recently we had our beloved former delegate Eluvatar removed because of some rubbish rules and now the wolf himself has mysteriously 'resigned'? I don't believe it for a second!"
Our esteemed Delegate, McMasterdonia stated "Waffles, Rum and bananas... These will solve our problems."
In completely unrelated news, our estimates have shown that invasions of founderless regions have risen by no less than 100% in the past 24 hours following Blue Wolf II's resignation with numbers set to quadruple in the weeks to come.
Written by Kiwi
From Culture and Entertainment
The Department of Culture and Entertainment is currently seeking suggestions regarding themed forum events and roleplays in Port Thel, and would like to invite the various denizens of NationStates to contribute names and suggestions that are realistic for us to work on.We are also going to be working on a series of University lectures. If you are interested in giving a lecture, please contact Lord Ravenclaw via Telegram stating your desired topic.
Keep an eye on this spot and we'll tell you more next month!
Written by Lord Ravenclaw
WA Affairs Steps Up
On the back of the passage of two resolutions back to back through the WA by TNP Authors McMasterdonia and Abacathea, the WA Ministry is going to push for it's younger and newer members to become active in the WA, be it through simply encouraging more voting activity, engaging further in the debating and drafting processes or actively pursuing projects of their own.
In an attempt to further this, the WA Ministry is actively seeking new and fresh ideas to encourage and promote itself within the community. Seen as a very limited scope of gameplay the key, according to Minister for WA Affairs, Abacathea, is to find something that entices members in to begin with, and then hooking them from there.

Minister Abacathea takes Ministry to all new levels of activity and success
"It's something that's ultimately going to be a massive challenge" said WA Minister Abacathea, "Really in most regions the WA section seems to be the hardest to promote the activity in, so it's more about finding the magic formula and then utilizing it to it's maximum potential that really will be they task and key here. Watch this space".
As it stands the Ministry is refusing to release any further details of what it is working on, only being quoted as "Big things ahead!".
Written by Abacathea
You'll never leave TNP alive
This one is based on an old Country and Western song: "You'll never leave Harlan alive", rewritten for TNP.
Join in and sing along:
In the deep dark hills of the North Pacific
That's the place where I trace my bloodline
And it's there I read on a thread long archived
You will never leave TNP alive
Oh, ten years ago I first registered on Old Blue
And I call myself a TNPer with pride.
I fought in our wars and resisted the tyrants
And I’ll never leave TNP alive
When you log on the forum about ten in the morning
And you check in several times a day
And you fill your cup with whatever bitter brew you're drinking
And you spend your life just thinkin' of how to get away
No one ever knew that our region could be stifled
'Til the cosmos from IRC arrived
Waving amendments and new laws they said we’ll crush your spirit
But we’ll never leave TNP alive
Now some sold out cheap and they moved to another region
to a region that did more colours than bland,
I bet the cosmos danced them a jig, laughed and sang a new song
Who said we'd never leave TNP alive
But the times got hard with each and every new law
And ole timers knew what we'd do to survive
He kept our heads down low and let the cosmos run the region
But we never left TNP alive
So we log on the forum about ten in the morning
And we check in several times a day
And we fill our cup with whatever bitter brew we're drinking
And we spend our life just thinkin' of how to get away
So we log on the forum about ten in the morning
And we check in several times a day
And we fill our cup with whatever bitter brew we're drinking
And we spend our life just thinkin' of how to get away
In the deep dark hills of the North Pacific
That's the place where I trace my bloodline
And it's there I read on a thread long archived
You will never leave TNP alive
Written by Flemingovia
Thanks for reading our update!