Repeal "Condemn The Black Riders"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
Category: Repeal
Resolution: SC#91
Proposed by: Ramaeus
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
Category: Repeal
Resolution: SC#91
Proposed by: Ramaeus
Description: WA Security Council Resolution #91: Condemn The Black Riders shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
Argument: The Security Council,
Recognizing the laudable intentions of SC#91, but due to poor draftsmanship, falls short of a condemnation expected for a region like The Black Riders, notably,
The numerous typographical errors in use of punctuation, excessively long sentences, lack of pronoun agreement, and more,
The use of the word “recent” in the present tense to describe raiding actions that are now in the past,
Regretting the use of words in SC#91 that yield unintentional and nonsensical meaning, including,
“anti-WA establishments and attitudes”,
“Angered by The Black Riders forced removal of those nations which are natives to the regions they conquer”,
“32 day oppressive and horrific seize that followed”,
“leading the regions to an undeniable downfall”,
Disturbed by the blatant manipulations found in SC#91, including references to “cultural genocide”, and aware that the systematic destruction of a culture is something in which no military organization, no matter how prolific, could succeed,
Determined to field a resolution that accurately demonstrates the menace The Black Riders have since become,
Hereby repeals SC#91, “Condemn The Black Riders”.
Co-Authored by The Republic of The Black Hat Guy.