Nuclear Security Convention[Archived] [Complete]


Nuclear Security Convention
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Chester Pearson​

Description: The World Assembly,

OBSERVING that some nations use nuclear energy for their energy needs,

RECOGNIZING that nuclear power is a relatively clean and efficient source of energy,

ALSO REALIZING potential threat posed to all nations in regards to the acquisition of nuclear technology by rogue states, terrorist and/or extremist organizations,

ALARMED by the possibility of widespread devastation that could occur as the result of the uncontrolled proliferation of nuclear technology,

FOR THE PURPOSE of this convention defines:

Nuclear energy as the use of exothermic nuclear processes to generate useful heat and electricity.

Proliferation as the spread of nuclear materials, applicable nuclear technology and information,

The General Assembly hereby mandates:

Member nations secure extracted nuclear resources against theft,

Member nations maintain comprehensive records of processed nuclear resource stockpiles, as well as estimated unprocessed reserves,

Member nations ensure safe transport of nuclear materials between procurement and storage sites; as well as ensure adequate security precautions are taken when nuclear materials are transported between nations,

Member nations shall not supply manufacturing assistance, design specifications, technology or nuclear materials to any party not subject to this convention,

NOTHING in this convention shall be interpreted as:

Affecting the right of member nations to research, produce and/or use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes,

Affecting the right of member nations to develop their own nuclear technology and manufacturing capabilities.
Ministerial Review;

The ministry is in truth not sure what to make of this one, the preambulatory fluff could have been tidied up a bit, but we're not assessing the act on these merits so will be ignoring everything bar the mandates.

In truth, the act itself isn't overly invasive as acts go and the intent seems well meaning.

Member nations secure extracted nuclear resources against theft,

Seems reasonable. Although "nuclear resources" seems a very vague term to use, a resource could be far more than just nuclear product and waste. We wonder about the implications of this particular clause.

Member nations maintain comprehensive records of processed nuclear resource stockpiles, as well as estimated unprocessed reserves,

We take issue with the WA mandating estimated figures be recorded, this we feel is open to abuse, granted though it's not the most important of mandates nor are it's implications as such, but still, a hole poked nonetheless.

Member nations ensure safe transport of nuclear materials between procurement and storage sites; as well as ensure adequate security precautions are taken when nuclear materials are transported between nations,

Now this, this is where we feel an issue occurs, while the latter aspect, specifically security between nations, we feel it's really a tough call on the safe transport of materials between procurement and storage sites, especially if they're across the yard from each other. It's not unreasonable though so it's allowable.

The rest of the act seems pretty reasonable though so further detail will be omitted at this time.

Ministerial Suggestion;

As noted, the act isn't overly invasive, nor is it applicable to all nations either. It's far from the worst act Mr Pearson has ever put forth to the assembly either. The Ministry's suggested vote at this time is a tentative FOR.

As always this is just a suggested vote, please vote FOR, AGAINST or ABSTAIN below.
Quick loophole that I've noticed that may change some opinions - and perhaps even Aba's ...

Member nations ensure safe transport of nuclear materials between procurement and storage sites; as well as ensure adequate security precautions are taken when nuclear materials are transported between nations,
The bolded part is my emphasis, of course, but there's no mention of ensuring the safe transport of nuclear materials when they're on their way to, say, the nuclear power plant - where they will be used (not stored). There's also no specific mention of the safe transport of nuclear materials on the way to refinement, but - arguably - that's between the procurement and the storage steps so it's "covered" ... Although it'll wholly loopholable.

I'm hoping that this won't need to be repealed (after it passes), but I guess I'm steeling myself for that just in case. If TNP were to agree with my assessment and vote against ... that might help. ;)
The proposal's been removed, by the way, and the absence of a statement by the mods suggest it was withdrawn by the author rather than deleted for rules violations.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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