"The Regional Assembly urges our delegate to close our in-game and in-forum embassies with Osiris until such time as the situation in Osiris stabilises."
The current situation in Osiris is a mess. the Osiris embassy on this forum is a reflection of this mess. As Eluvatar has pointed out, it flies the new flag, mentions the Kemetic republic and links to Dalimbar's forum.
the statement issued by McMasterdonia states that TNP's position will be to not get involved in the mess - probably rightly.
However, our decision to remain neutral in this row is undermined by the fact that the regional page of Osiris still links us as having an embassy with the region - which is a tacit support of the new government.
The RA cannot decide on matters of embassies, but we can urge McM to close the embassy until such time as the situation there is resolved.
The cynic in me says that, of course, we won't. We will bat this around without doing anything until the thread runs out of steam. But I can but hope.
"The Regional Assembly urges our delegate to close our in-game and in-forum embassies with Osiris until such time as the situation in Osiris stabilises."
The current situation in Osiris is a mess. the Osiris embassy on this forum is a reflection of this mess. As Eluvatar has pointed out, it flies the new flag, mentions the Kemetic republic and links to Dalimbar's forum.
the statement issued by McMasterdonia states that TNP's position will be to not get involved in the mess - probably rightly.
However, our decision to remain neutral in this row is undermined by the fact that the regional page of Osiris still links us as having an embassy with the region - which is a tacit support of the new government.
The RA cannot decide on matters of embassies, but we can urge McM to close the embassy until such time as the situation there is resolved.
The cynic in me says that, of course, we won't. We will bat this around without doing anything until the thread runs out of steam. But I can but hope.