Passed :Repeal "The Early Learning Act" [Complete] [Complete]



Repeal "The Early Learning Act"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: GA#230

Proposed by: The Black Hat Guy

Description: WA General Assembly Resolution #230: The Early Learning Act (Category: Education and Creativity; Area of Effect: Educational) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The General Assembly,

Sympathizing with the desire to promote education in all nations;

Realizing that “demand among parents and guardians for early learning facilities” as specified in Clause 1 of the target resolution, can be unreasonable, and the resolution provides no redress to ensure that the demand among parents and guardians that is fulfilled is reasonable and beneficial, thus opening avenues for abuse such as:

The use of early learning as a free long term care center,

The demand for excessive numbers of teachers, establishments, or other resources that the government cannot reasonably provide,

The demand to teach in sparsely populated areas or disaster zones in which it would be excessively onerous to provide access to early learning,

The teaching of children that are too young to benefit from early learning;

Further Realizing that the inability of a nation to meet every demand without subsequent deterioration of other priorities makes the target resolution improperly burdensome;

Understanding that conventional education is also important, and this resolution may force member nations to reduce necessary funds from conventional education in order to meet the demands for early learning;

Concerned that many of the guidelines established by the resolution are unnecessarily strict and lead to unintended consequences, notably:

Teaching styles differ by nation, by culture, and over time, and thus focusing on "five key areas" prohibit nations from specializing their programs to their individual needs,

The teaching of children with special needs, who may learn differently and need different guidance that is not recognized by the resolution and is restricted by the aforementioned "five key areas", which must be adhered to even when detrimental,

The requirement that early learning be held in "settings outside the home or family", which precludes the possibility of family members aiding in early learning;

Regretting that this resolution reduces standards of education in member nations;

Believing that individual nations can create and maintain their own early learning facilities to a much better standard if this resolution is repealed;

Hereby repeals GA #230, “The Early Learning Act”.

Co-authored by The Dourian Embassy
Ministerial Review;

We're faced once again with another repeal so it's important to weight the arguments of the proposed repeal against the merits of the targeted resolution.

In this instance though, the repeal arguments on inspection highlight significant flaws within the targeted resolution and ultimately render any merits it may have held moot.

As it stands, while the repeal effort contains what could be considered some weak arguments, the ministry has identified three core arguments that we find in review of the targeted resolution to hold significant value, specifically;

  • The teaching of children with special needs, who may learn differently and need different guidance that is not recognized by the resolution and is restricted by the aforementioned "five key areas", which must be adhered to even when detrimental,
  • The requirement that early learning be held in "settings outside the home or family", which precludes the possibility of family members aiding in early learning;
  • The demand for excessive numbers of teachers, establishments, or other resources that the government cannot reasonably provide,

Ministerial Recommendation;
When one considers these arguments, not only in the context of what the author provides, but on a global NS scale, we feel that the targeted resolution, indeed does do more harm than good and resultant have to agree with the repeal from an objective standpoint.

As a result, the ministerial suggestion in this context is FOR.

As per usual, this is only a suggested vote. Please vote FOR, AGAINST or ABSTAIN below.
As much as Olvern likes educationimation stuff, it can understand the flaws that have been brought up.

Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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