[Complete]At Vote: Commend The Bruce [Complete]


Commend The Bruce
A resolution to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region.

Category: Commendation

Nominee: The Bruce

Proposed by: Abacathea​

The Security Council;

Observing the purpose of a commendation to be "to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region";

Believing that The Green and Pleasant Dominion of The Bruce fully exemplifies a nation which meets this criteria and yet, until now has been overlooked by this esteemed Council;

Observing that The Bruce is founder of one of the oldest regions existing in the universe as we know it, namely Wysteria, a region which this Council has already seen fit to recognize for its services rendered to the world whilst under the watchful gaze of The Bruce;

Observing further The Bruce is also one of the oldest nations still in existence and one of the earliest known defenders to have emerged in the dark days of the early raids, noting in particular their participation alongside Texas in the retaking of The Heartland when it was sacked by the Farkers back in 2003;

Further Aware that prior to the official recognition of embassies as we currently know it The Bruce was instrumental in forging international relations with Texas and The heartland, an international diplomacy now known as the Triumvate, which has spanned over a decade in existence and one of the first known to exist within the universe;

Awe struck at the detailed chronicles of history which The Bruce has tirelessly recorded, maintained and preserved for future generations spanning well over a decades worth, 139 volumes to be exact, of our history;

Noting that whilst it is common for regions to use forums, The Bruce was the first to establish this process back in March 2003 to counteract the limited ability to communicate internally within the region, a precedent which promoted many regions including Texas to follow suit and setting the norm as we currently know it;

Impressed with the high regards in which The Bruce is held within this esteemed Council itself, resulting from years of work invested in this Council to ensure that its members produce the finest resolutions possible at any given time and that The Bruce has been instrumental in forging policy on more than one occasion during it's tenure;

Further impressed with the role of The Bruce in furthering international solidarity through their participation in the long since abandoned international Treasure Hunts, in which The Bruce not only allowed Wysteria to host but The Bruce themselves also helped oversee, a fine example of international coming togetherness;

Understanding that while nowadays a lot of what The Bruce has accomplished seems commonplace, it should be noted that for the time The Bruce was considered a pioneer in these pursuits and is no less deserving of the accolade of extraordinary contributor to the NationStates Universe simply because of the period of time which has since lapsed;

Seeking to enshrine The Bruce in the very annals of history that it has until now preserved so well on our collective behalves;

Commends The Green and Pleasant Dominion of The Bruce
This is going to vote at next update so placing here now.

Ministerial View; Passing to Elu due to conflict of interests.

Please vote Yay, Nay or Abstain below.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.