[Complete]PASSED: Commend Bears Armed[Archived]


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
Category: Commendation

Nominee: Bears Armed

Proposed by: Abacathea

Description: The Security Council;

Determined to see the worthiest nations in existence enshrined in the records of this esteemed council;

Believing that the nation of Bears Armed has made a tremendous positive impact on the international community since it opened itself to outsiders, involving itself in international affairs through the medium of cultural events, sporting competitions, and the WA itself, despite finding itself to be one of the few mainly-Ursine countries in a predominantly Human universe;

Praising the fact that Bears Armed has not fought a single war of aggression since its current constitution was adopted more than two centuries ago, and that despite this it still maintains adequate armed forces not only for its own defence but also for helping to protect its neighbours;

Applauding the Urrsish people and government for the skill with which they have made their nation a very pleasant one in which to live, for example by managing to keep serious crime at a minimal level whilst still allowing high levels of personal freedom, by demonstrating that economic growth need not ruin the environment, and by their support for cultural activities, so that international surveys consistently place it in the highest percentile both for ‘most cultured’ and for ‘happiest citizens’;

Cognizant that Bears Armed has extended this approach to governance to the international stage for the betterment of others through the actions of their World Assembly division The Diplomatic Immunity of Bears Armed Mission which to date has authored the resolutions;

GA#87 - Meteorological Cooperation,
a resolution which formed the International Meteorological Organisation with the purpose of collating and disseminating information regarding weather patterns and anomalies to all member states;

GA#168 - Law of the Seas,
which ultimately defined sea borders and helped provide means and ways to resolve international disputes pursuant to same;

GA#224 - Promotion of Bee-Keeping,
which not only promoted an avenue of international trade for many nations but also increased the potential for flora and fauna to flourish;

and most recently GA#267 - Sensible Limits on Hunting, which, in conjunction with the Resolution GA #199 - Sustainable Fishing Act (the contribution to which by Bears Armed Mission was sufficient to earn them recognition as co-author), helps to guide nations in protecting both their ecosystems and their food supplies;

Further appreciating that while the Urrsish delegation to the esteemed World Assembly has directly produced the above resolutions for international betterment, they have also been instrumental in the refinement of a number of other proposals brought before the General Assembly;

Believing that Bears Armed's contribution to the international stage exceeds the minimum needed to meet the criteria for commendation of "outstanding contribution by a nation" and resolved to correcting this oversight;

Commends The Free Bears of Bears Armed.

Aye, Nay or Abstain
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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