AT VOTE: International Arms Trading[Archived] [Complete]


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
Description: Acknowledging that without proper oversight and effective regulation, by police, military and customs authorities, arms transfers may be diverted to the black market, hostile entities or unauthorized end users and can increase the potential for violations of national or international law and human rights.

The World Assembly hereby;

Article 1 – Definitions & Clarifications

1.1 Defines an arm for the purpose of this resolution as any device designed and manufactured or otherwise actualized with its primary purpose being to inflict damage or harm to living beings, systems or structures or any item which has been modified to meet this standard. This shall include arms or ammunition with the capability to be fired, launched or delivered by other arms as well as parts and components that provide the capability to be assembled into the arms.

1.2 Clarifies that this resolution shall neither apply to movements of arms by or on behalf of a nation provided that the arms remain under that nation's control nor impact on the right of nations to develop national laws concerning arms and their ownership.

1.3 Further Clarifies that nothing in this resolution shall be constructed as an attempt to nationalize international arms trading or to prohibit nations from enacting stricter national laws in regard to arms trading.

Article 2 – Risk Assessment

2.1 Requires nations, prior to authorizing an arms export, to conduct an risk assessment, considering if probable cause exists that said arms may be:

Used to perpetrate or enable breaches or violations of domestic laws in either the exporting or importing nations or any nations during transit.

Used to perpetrate or enable breaches or violations of international law.

Diverted from the intended recipients.

2.2 Requires that if the exporting nation determines probable cause exists of any of the above consequences after conducting this assessment, it shall not authorize the export.

2.3 Requires importing nations to provide any relevant documentation regarding end use or end user details requested by the exporting nation if said request is within the framework of previously established international laws.

Article 3 – Arms Markings

3.1 Requires nations to apply a unique, recognizable and traceable national marking upon all individual arms certified for export from their nation and to submit said marking for registration with the Arms Trading Oversight Committee.

Article 4 - Arms Trading Oversight Committee (ATOC)

4.1 Establishes the ATOC empowers it to;

4.1.1 Operate in accordance with previously established international laws, undertaking not to procure or release any information that would violate the protection of privacy or national security interests protected by said laws.

4.1.2 Obtain annually from each nation a report for the preceding year detailing all authorized or actual international arms trades undertaken under their jurisdiction.

4.1.3 Obtain the completed export risk assessment files from all arms exporting nations for each authorized, actual or rejected international arms trade.

4.1.4 Make all reports available upon request by national governments.

4.1.5 Obtain records from national governments of all recovered illegal arms trades.

4.1.6 Maintain a register of all unique national arms markings.

4.1.7 Arbitrate any disputes arising from this resolution.

Vote Aye, Nay or Abstain
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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