Gun-Toting Animals
The name of your region: European Union
A link to your region's forums: http://z12.invisionfree.invalid/European_Union/index.php?act=site
Head of Government/Head of State: Angleter is currently the Premier Commissioner (Head of Government) but we are having elections right now.
Minister for Foreign Affairs (or similar): Inimicus
A short description of your region: European Union has been around on NS since 2003 I believe. The region is a modern, political, Roleplay region set to the backdrop of a modified version of the RL EU.
Will your region post regular Foreign Updates: You bet
A link to your region's forums: http://z12.invisionfree.invalid/European_Union/index.php?act=site
Head of Government/Head of State: Angleter is currently the Premier Commissioner (Head of Government) but we are having elections right now.
Minister for Foreign Affairs (or similar): Inimicus
A short description of your region: European Union has been around on NS since 2003 I believe. The region is a modern, political, Roleplay region set to the backdrop of a modified version of the RL EU.
Will your region post regular Foreign Updates: You bet