Hello everyone, It is a pleasure to meet you all.
on't really have one, But you can call me Death for short.
Main Nation?:Vancover of course, yes i know i spelt Vancouver wrong but i assumed someone already had the name so Vancover was born.
RL Country?: The United States of America
Favourite Colour(s)?:Blue
Do you use IRC?:Sometimes
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?:I care, I am what most consider a Moderate
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?:Yes i do like Nation Building games. I Might play the fourm games, but it depends on what it is

Main Nation?:Vancover of course, yes i know i spelt Vancouver wrong but i assumed someone already had the name so Vancover was born.
RL Country?: The United States of America
Favourite Colour(s)?:Blue
Do you use IRC?:Sometimes
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?:I care, I am what most consider a Moderate
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?:Yes i do like Nation Building games. I Might play the fourm games, but it depends on what it is