Nominations: Special Election for Speaker


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
Nominations: November 2013 Special Election for Speaker


This November, The North Pacific will be electing a Speaker of the Regional Assembly to serve until the next general election in January. Any Regional Assembly Member who has been a member for the last 15 days (since (time=1382937600)) is eligible to run.

To run, one must either accept a nomination or simply declare candidacy in this topic. Nominations, acceptances of nominations, and declarations of candidacy must be posted in this topic to be valid. Acceptance of a nomination is understood to also constitute declaration of candidacy (you can't take someone off the ballot by removing your nomination of them at the last minute). This allow for transparency and clear record keeping. All nominations, declarations of candidacy, or acceptances of nomination are legally required to be posted during the nomination period, which is from (time=1384060800) to (time=1384492803). One may only be a candidate for one position in this election, so acceptance of nomination or declaration of candidacy will be understood as withdrawal from candidacy for all other positions. Voting will be from (time=1384492803) to (time=1384924803)

This topic is intended for nominations and may not be used for campaigning. Please keep in mind that lying about the election is election fraud, and that lying for any purpose is fraud.

Democratic Donkeys
KingDurk the Awesome


Declined Nomination:

Invalid Nomination:
McMasterdonia, could you please fix my username in the OP? It says bootahilley 101 instead of bootahilley 01.
Are we going to see election campaigns from the two candidates?

Nominations will close in a couple of days. If you want to nominate for Speaker, now is the time.
I decline as I believe we have a capable acting Speaker in Zyvetskistaahn, and we would have an even incredibly more capable candidate in SillyString if she accept her nomination. I'm too political a choice as I openly support the Elugarchy and openly oppose the arbitrary banjecting of Douria without reporting it in the designated thread, and I don't offer anything that these two are already providing in spades. Plus I will no longer appear on IRC, which would be a disadvantage in a speaker. I appreciate the nomination though, Hile, and would happily fill in as speaker another time.
I nominate everyone who is eligible to run, who haven't ruled themselves out, haven't already been nominated or haven't already declared that they will run.
I nominate everyone who is eligible to run, who haven't ruled themselves out, haven't already been nominated or haven't already declared that they will run.

Are you saying you nominate Grosseschnauzer, Pasargad, Hileville, Romanoffia, Jamie, Blue Wolf II, Great Bights Mum, Isimud, Kiwi, Blackshear, Belschaft, Lord Byron, Malvad, Iro, Reginald Carmichael, r3naissanc3r, Lennart, North East Somerset, Lord Ravenclaw, Former English Colony, Borndisaster, Emperor Andrew I, Flemingovia, Gracius Maximus, Malashaan, Mahaj, nydna, Abbey Anumia, King Durk the Awesome, Wairos, Vladivostak, Mall, Prussia, depeterson61, Olvern, Leekem, Wardoger, Alfiswen, Asylum, Panfinitia, Thelord444, Muhammad Hussein, Libetarian Republics, ImperialHouseOfToms, Parmistine, Elegarth, Geniva, Dalimbar, Stovilium, King Infuschein, King Pyter, Snow von Eiskristal, Aphitc, schweizweld, MaxDresser, murdock213, Johz, Kinstonelle, Eluvatar, T.HE.S.MA, Nino Syahputra, Jack Holland, newmist, Death777, Crystal Net and Cisrhenania ?

It seems a little excessive.
No, I'm saying I nominate Death777, KingInfuschein, Eluvatar, Aphitc, Leekem, MuhammadHussein, Jamie, AbbeyAnumia, SnowvonEiskristal, nydna, KingDurktheAwesome, depeterson61, Isimud, Pasargad, MaxDresser, JackHolland, LibetarianRepublics, murdock213, Flemingovia, Cisrhenania Hileville, Mahaj, LordRavenclaw, Geniva, schweizweld, Malashaan, Olvern, GraciusMaximus, Mall, Asylum, KingPyter, newmist, Iro, Kiwi, Wardoger, Stovilium, Blackshear, Wairos, Elegarth, NinoSyahputra, ReginaldCarmichael, FormerEnglishColony, r3naissanc3r, BlueWolfII, GreatBightsMum, NorthEastSomerset, EmperorAndrewI, Malvad, Thelord444, Johz, ImperialHouseOfToms, LordByron, T.HE.S.MA, Dalimbar, Vladivostak, Alfiswen, Borndisaster, Parmistine, Panfinitia, Romanoffia, Belschaft, Kinstonelle, Lennart, Grosseschnauzer, CrystalNet and Prussia.

Totally different.
Aye. Especially as I've never heard of have of them.
I hope that this farce adequately demonstrates the absurdity of holding nominations for positions. Everything except self-declarations of candidacy should be routinely ignored.