- TNP Nation
- McMasterdonia
Description: WA General Assembly Resolution #248: Against Corruption (Category: Political Stability; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
Argument: The World Assembly,
Understanding the inherent problems of bribery and corruption,
Respecting the intent of "Against Corruption"(GA #248),
Noting, however, that the clause on the subject of individuals and organizations contains an error which was acknowledged after GA #248 was already at vote,
Further noting that the error(using the word "nation" rather than "organization") creates a severe flaw in the resolution, forcing organizations to be responsible for the independent actions of every employee, rather than protecting them from rogue actions as intended,
Believing that the appropriateness of gift giving is much easier to ascertain on a local level than through international legislation,
Hereby repeals "Against Corruption"(GA #248).
Co-Authored by Cormac A Stark.
Authored by douria... co-authored by Cormac and it was campaigned for by Topid/Daynor of the South Pacific. Quite odd.
Vote Aye, Nay or Abstain.