Endorsing the Security Council


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
In order to make sure that the Security Council does not drop too low once these influence changes officially come in I am going to begin encouraging WA nations to endorse these members. This should help their endorsement levels grow a bit higher.

I have also decided to include Former English Colony and Great Bights Mum in the World Factbook entry as they are the two most senior members in the line of succession beyond the Vice Delegate. If either of them grow too high or are at risk of overtaking the Vice Delegate I will temporarily remove them from the WFE.

This is what I have posted to the RMB:

Please make sure that you have endorsed our Security Council. The Security Council is a body of high influence and trustworthy nations that have served the North Pacific for years. Influence changes have been brought in and it is important that we work hard to keep the region secure from rogue Delegates and coups.

For that reason please endorse:
Great Bights Mum
Former English Colony
Novare Res
Blue Wolf II
Jamie Anumia
Democatic Donkeys

We are unlikely to make any change to our endorsement laws or put restrictions beyond not exceeding the Vice Delegates endorsement level. The more nations we have in the region with higher influence the better for our regional security.