Anonymous "Threat" to Premier


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation

Queensland Premier Campbell Newman has proposed legislation that will restrict the freedom of association and free speech in his state of Queensland. A lot of people in Queensland are very angry about this and some small protests have been held. This youtube video is another part of that, although it is unclear how far this anonymous group are willing to go to make their voice heard.
I love it. One of the best presentations made by an Anonymous associated group. :clap:

Yup, they tried laws over here like that once. It helped promulgate a 'revolution' back in 1776. :yes:
To claim the American Revolution was about laws such as that is historical revisionism of the rankist kind.
To claim the American Revolution was about laws such as that is historical revisionism of the rankist kind.
I was being sarcastic. :P

It was actually not a revolution at all, in technical terms. The American Colonies obtained their independence via force of arm essentially requiring the Crown to grant them independence, but as individual 'States' (in terms of a "State" being a single independent nation, hence, technically and constitutionally under the Articles of Confederation they were as a result of the Crowns acquiescence).

There were a lot of issues involved such as the literal and complete abdication of government by the Crown, a sense that they were being denied basic civil rights and liberties as subjects of the Crown, various inane taxes, lack of military protection from the French, et al, by the Crown, free trade amongst the various Colonies and other nations, etc.,,, and the list goes on.

One of the issues similar to what this law in Oz was freedom of association, public assembly, free speech, and a few other things.

I took the time to actually read the law that "Anonymous" is bitching about in Queensland and the law is absolutely ridiculous and unconstitutional in Oz terms and very similar to certain provisions, yet untested in the courts, of the "Patriot Act" in the US.
Sadly there hasn't been much movement on this in the High Court, but I suspect that it is just taking a bit of time to get a decent challenge put together. Hopefully soon, people should not be locked up just on association alone.
And the saddest part is that in a modern English speaking nation with a legal system based upon English Common/Anglo-Caxon Positive Law that there are crazy laws like this in the first place.