Hello %NATION%,
In order to further the World Assembly's mission and better represent what The North Pacific's World Assembly nations intend, my government's Ministry of WA Affairs has an "Information For Voters" program.
Current Resolution [url=http://www.nationstates.net/page=sc]at Vote[/url]:
[url=http://forum.nationstates.net/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=268453]"Condemn Kantanska"[/url]
This resolution would mark [nation]Kantanska[/nation] for condemnation by the World Assembly Security Council.
[b]Ministry of WA Affairs Review[/b]
by Minister [nation=short]Sovreignry North Pacific[/nation]
In reviewing this resolution, the Ministry uses the information available to it in the text of the resolution, the Security Council chambers, and sources throughout NationStates.
The Ministry found no evidence of grave misdeeds, or any notable deeds whatsoever, in the [url=http://forum.nationstates.net/search.php?author_id=13583&sr=posts]relevant records[/url]. The Ministry observes that the resolution appears only to be based on sparse [url=http://www.nationstates.net/nation=kantanska/detail=factbook]Kantatskan[/url] sources, and possibly some recent [url=http://www.nationstates.net/page=activity/view=nation.kantanska/filter=law]legislation[/url]. While this level of evidence, this low level of notoriety, has never been enough for Condemnation of national policy, the World Assembly is free to set new precedent.
The Ministry notes also that it is conventional practice for proposed resolutions to be exposed to debate at the [url=http://forum.nationstates.net/viewforum.php?f=24]WA Security Council Headquarters[/url], prior to or at least simultaneously with official submission. While the author [url=http://forum.nationstates.net/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=212324&p=17213818]shared[/url] a nigh-identical proposal several months ago, they did not share their draft more immediately before or even after submitting their text again directly to the Delegates. This shows that they may not have been prepared to defend it against criticism in an open forum. Alternatively of course one could imagine other reasons, though none have been given.
The Ministry recommends the following: we recommend opposition to it because we do not believe this resolution has been adequately supported.
[b]Final Note:[/b]
I govern my vote by how the regional members vote on the forum, so you can easily change it.
Forum topic: http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7118455/
If anything about this is confusing or annoying, please be unafraid to ask questions or request that I exempt your nation from receiving Information For Voters messages.
Thank you for reading,
Your Delegate,