Zombie Apocalypse Timeline


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation
Time Since Outbreak[c]Event that occured[c]-24[c]Delegate McMasterdonia warns the region about the likelihood of an outbreak of the Zombie infection[c]-12[c]The cabinet of the North Pacific meets to begin strategy plans[c]0[c]Zombie outbreak begins, thousands of nations panic. Sanctarian WA Mission leads the region while the Delegate gets his beauty sleep.[c]0.5[c]The Rejected Realms falls to the Zombies immediately.[c]1[c]Democatic Donkeys and Avalon aid in continuing this confusion by flirting with each other.[c]2[c]Novare Res, Great Bights Mum and Ananke are amongst the first nations to begin researching for a cure[c]3[c]Great Bights Mum leads the defence of Magicality City and deploys thousands of vessels to defeat the Zombie hoards.[c]4[c]The South Pacific falls to the Zombie hoards[c]5[c]Grosseshnauzer discovers that the native Shnauzer population of the Confederation are immune to the infection and begins deploying them in great number to protect other members of the Security Council[c]5.5[c]Blue Wolf II discovers that Wolves are very effective as Zombies and prompty attacks Grosseshnauzer[c]6[c]Zemnaya Svoboda foils an assassination attempt on the Delegate. The perpetruator The Veiled Phoenix apologises and blames miscommunication for the error[c]6.5[c]the 54th Squadron leads efforts in killing the Zombies in various nations[c]7[c]Delegate McMasterdonia announces the North Pacific Solution to the illegal Zombie immigration and promptly closes the borders and threatens to deport Zombie hordes to the Rejected Realms.[c]7.5[c]Minister of Communications Checkers and Quirkyone continue to inform the RMB of nations that are in urgent need of assistance.[c]7.6[c]Novare Res and Great Bights Mum almost fall to the Zombie hoards. Bentrada and Quirkyone encourage others to help save them.[c]8[c]Merconitonitopia becomes infected with Butt Pains. Butt Pains is promptly ejected to TRR by the Delegate [c]8.5[c]Magicality City is secured again. The infection rate is reduced to 5% in the area.[c]8.5[c]Ananke begins distributing cure missiles to heavily infected nations at the request of the Delegate.[c]9[c]The Court of the North Pacific is destroyed. Thousands rejoice.[c]10[c]Speaker of the Regional Assembly, Crushing Our Enemies goes missing in action. Presumed dead.[c]10.5[c]Republic of Astana declares the region a lost cause[c]11[c]Delegate McMasterdonia reminds the region that our best chance is to cure each other.[c]11.5[c]Curing efforts continue to be coordinated on the RMB by Quirkyone[c]12[c]The borders are temporarily opened to allow Emarian healers to enter the region.[c]12.5[c]hakugyouroku enters the North Pacific to assist in healing efforts.[c]13[c]Nations begin calls for Mall to be ejected from the region once again.[c]14[c]Regional IRC communications break down as Zombie levels continue to grow.[c]15[c]Former Delegate Jamie Anumia is overwhelmed by Zombies as statues of Katy Perry are torn to the ground by the hoards.

I will also be editing stuff into this table: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqfgC4jLihT4dGZkYWR4SWRtOVFHZGh0QXYxa2V5OHc&usp=sharing