Zombie Day Bill


TNP Nation
Zemnaya Svoboda
For next year (we definitely don't have time to adopt something like this this year):

Zombie Day Bill:
1. A new Section 1.7 will be added to Chapter 1 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific as follows:

Chapter 1:
Section 1.7: Disease Control
19. "Epidemic-enabling" is defined as the willful transmission of infected peoples to other nations of The North Pacific during a worldwide medical emergency.

2. A new clause 7 will be added to Chapter 2 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific as follows:
Chapter 2:
7. Epidemic-enabling may be punished by summary ejection and/or banning from the region for the duration of the medical emergency.

3. The existing Sections 1.7 through 1.8 will be renumbered 1.8 through 1.9.

4. The existing Clauses 19 through 21 of Chapter 1 will be renumbered 20 through 22.

5. The existing Clauses 7 through 8 of Chapter 2 will be renumbered 8 through 9.

6. This bill may take effect only if signed by the Delegate, or overriden over Delegate veto, by Zombie Day.

I will note that questions have been raised whether a bill such as this would run afoul of the Bill of Rights:
Bill of Rights:
1. All Nations of The North Pacific are sovereign. Each Nation has the right of self-determination in that Nation's domestic policies, including, but not limited to, issue selection and WA membership.

On the one hand, the zombie control page is structured as an issue, and even has "The Issue" as a heading in the usual place. On the other hand, the bill of rights protects the right to domestic policy, and lists issue selection as an example of domestic policy -- infecting other nations is clearly not a domestic policy.

Some may have strong feelings on this subject, so it may be appropriate to have a consensus for next year well in advance. Let's not beat each other up over something which is, at the end of the day, about working together and getting along.

Note: Yes this bill will have to be modified if the Oaths bill passes.
As to this year, Clause 11 of the Bill of Rights may provide a basis for response to any in-game induced regional medical emergency. It could also justify any legislation for the future as well.
But once the emergency is over, we would no longer have the ability to prosecute, would we? Generally these things take a bit longer than a day.
This wouldn't be prosecuted through trials. It'd be implemented through summary executive action, like the adspam law.
Ahh, I see. All the same, it'd be best to have our bases covered I think, to avoid the delegate being sued or charged with a crime.

EDIT: By which I mean that it would be worthwhile to pass this bill even if the actions it permits are already permitted under clause 11.
IMHO, Clause 11 isn't limited to any one part of the government, it can be used to allow whatever flexibility is found necessary to be responsive to the emergency. It wouldn't invalidate any subsequent actions that are necessary to follow up; I think the language validates those emergency actions and allows a return to normal procedure afterwards based upon whatever was done in the emergency.
Under clause 11, I would allow formal debate on this bill to be cut short, and allow the vote to end as soon as the zombie outbreak begins, even if that is less than 3 days. However, I would enforce quorum rules.
Basically it can't take effect by virtue of the RA voting on it, prior to the Delegate's decision on whether to veto it.
Zombie Day Bill:
1. A new Section 1.7 will be added to Chapter 1 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific as follows:

Chapter 1:
Section 1.7: Disease Control
19. "Epidemic-enabling" is defined as the willful transmission of infected peoples to other nations of The North Pacific during a worldwide medical emergency.

2. A new clause 7 will be added to Chapter 2 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific as follows:
Chapter 2:
7. Epidemic-enabling may be punished by summary ejection and/or banning from the region for the duration of the medical emergency.

3. The existing Sections 1.7 through 1.8 will be renumbered 1.8 through 1.9.

4. The existing Clauses 19 through 21 of Chapter 1 will be renumbered 20 through 22.

5. The existing Clauses 7 through 8 of Chapter 2 will be renumbered 8 through 9.

6. This bill may take effect only if signed by the Delegate, or overriden over Delegate veto, by Zombie Day.


Zombie Day Bill:
1. A new Section 1.7 will be added to Chapter 1 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific as follows:

Chapter 1:
Section 1.7: Disease Control
19. "Epidemic-enabling" is defined as the willful transmission of infected peoples to other nations of The North Pacific during a worldwide medical emergency.

2. A new clause 7 will be added to Chapter 2 of the Codified Law of The North Pacific as follows:
Chapter 2:
7. Epidemic-enabling may be punished by summary ejection and/or banning from the region for up to the duration of the medical emergency.

3. The existing Sections 1.7 through 1.8 will be renumbered 1.8 through 1.9.

4. The existing Clauses 19 through 21 of Chapter 1 will be renumbered 20 through 22.

5. The existing Clauses 7 through 8 of Chapter 2 will be renumbered 8 through 9.

Dropped implementation clause as confusing and changed "for the duration" to "for up to the duration".
I would prefer that the bill only allow for ejection instead of banjection. We have the ability to close the regions borders, once opened at the end of zombie day the people would be able to return right away.