Commend CD[Archived] [Complete]


Commend Christian Democrats
A resolution to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region.
Category: Commendation
Nominee: Christian Democrats
Proposed by: Auralia

Description: Recognizing that Christian Democrats has authored or co-authored six active General Assembly resolutions, including:

GAR #160, "Forced Marriages Ban Act", which forbids World Assembly member states from compelling any person under their jurisdiction to marry another or from recognizing forced marriages performed in any other state,

GAR #213, "Privacy Protection Act", which establishes a fundamental right to privacy in all member states,

GAR #249, "Stopping Suicide Seeds", which prohibits multi-national corporations from exploiting farmers in developing countries through the use of genetic use restriction technology in seeds, and

GAR #253, "Repeal 'Freedom in Medical Research'", which repealed a resolution that granted medical researchers who engage in "controversial forms of treatment" full civil and criminal immunity for their actions, regardless of the legality of their actions or any loss or injury resulting from their actions,

Admiring the World Assembly delegation from Christian Democrats for their tenacious and rigorous advocacy of a Catholic worldview – without necessarily agreeing with that worldview – against overwhelming opposition during debates on the General Assembly floor, as well as their assistance in the drafting of various General Assembly proposals,

Applauding the major contributions of Christian Democrats to Right to Life, one of the largest pro-life regions in the world, as that region's founder and as the leader of that region's army,

Further applauding the major contributions of Christian Democrats to Catholic as a former delegate of that region, as a former member of that region's High Council, as the chief author of that region's constitution, and as the co-author of the Security Council resolution Repeal "Liberate Catholic", which allowed the natives of that region to impose a password to ensure the region's security after an invasion,

Amazed by the numerous other contributions of Christian Democrats to various regions throughout the world, including the Rejected Realms as the former head of the Office of Internal Affairs and the Office of Culture, Balder as a contributing author to that region's first constitution, and Westphalia as vice-delegate of that region and as a member of that region's legislature,

The Security Council,

Commends Christian Democrats.

Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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