Group Labels


Group Labels

Administrator - Global Moderators - WA Delegate - Vice Delegate - Cabinet - Court JusticesSpeaker - Regional Assembly - Security Council - Diplomat - TNP Citizen - Foreign Envoy

I noticed this while browsing the forum.
Milograd, the Speaker and Deputy Speaker have their own color group now (the hot pink) instead of the previous cabinet-related green, so it made sense to add that to the list of group colors at the bottom of the index page. (It was something I suggested almost as so as I began to return from my leave of absence, and one of the other admin went ahead and added it.)
Milograd, the Speaker and Deputy Speaker have their own color group now (the hot pink) instead of the previous cabinet-related green, so it made sense to add that to the list of group colors at the bottom of the index page. (It was something I suggested almost as so as I began to return from my leave of absence, and one of the other admin went ahead and added it.)
I am not referring to the colors, but rather, I am referring to the absence of an en dash between the two group labels.

The reason why there would be no dash separator is that the Judiciary purple is the end of the first line, and the fuschia for the Speaker is the first item of the second line.

There would be no reason for a dash to be inserted.
True that. It looks like you may have a smaller resolution, so the two lines are merged. For the rest of us, it looks like this.
It is not a resolution/window width issue. The code producing the labels has a small error, using a closed BR tag:
<span class="court">Court Justices</span></br><span class="speaker">Speaker</span>
An admin can fix it by replacing "</br>" with "<br>". You can find where you need to make the change in the Admin CP by going to: Board Template -> TNP Aqua -> Edit Theme Layout, and searching for the above line.