Order of Succession Update


Mr Speaker, members of the Regional Assembly,

It was while I was doing some bookkeeping in the Security Council that I noticed some members of the Security Council were left off of the Order of Succession. While the Constitution tells me to add new members to the bottom of the list, it is not so clear what to do with older members who appear to have never been included on the list at all.

As such I consulted the Security Council, and a few others, on what to do and the general consensus was to ask the Regional Assembly to approve a new Order of Succession. This Order of Succession, in fact.

Great Bights Mum
Former English Colony
Blue Wolf II

It takes into account activity, endorsements, and influence and I would be greatly appreciative if we could solve this in an expedient manner.

This proposal will follow non-legislative procedures. As soon as I see a motion and a second, I will schedule a vote to begin within a reasonable time frame.

EDIT: Although, properly, it ought to be phrased as a proposal with operative clauses. (e.g. "The line of succession beyond the vice delegate shall be...")
Thanks, Mr. Speaker, I'll let it sit for a day or two for discussion first.
Crushing Our Enemies:
This proposal will follow non-legislative procedures. As soon as I see a motion and a second, I will schedule a vote to begin within a reasonable time frame.

EDIT: Although, properly, it ought to be phrased as a proposal with operative clauses. (e.g. "The line of succession beyond the vice delegate shall be...")
Why? It's not legislative, it's not going into the Legal Code or Constitution. The motion at vote could easily be "That the Regional Assembly adopts the Order of Succession as proposed".
Yeah, that would be fine, but my point is that it needs to be in the form of a proposal. Your opening post doesn't contain a proposal. Even though this is non-legislative, motions to change the line of succession should have the proposed order as associated text in the form of a proposal that I can put in the voting thread.
The proposal is that the RA "approve a new Order of Succession".

You've put a lot of work into the Speaker's Office - so much so that you have to offer training to someone if they want to get elected to it. Don't tell me you can't glean a proposal from what I've written?

You're making things out to be more complicated than they really are. The vote in the thread could be, as I said, "that the RA approve the Order of Succession as proposed" and with the wonders of modern science you can even have the word proposed be a link to the the OP containing the list.
The proposal is that the RA "approve a new Order of Succession".

You've put a lot of work into the Speaker's Office - so much so that you have to offer training to someone if they want to get elected to it. Don't tell me you can't glean a proposal from what I've written?

You're making things out to be more complicated than they really are. The vote in the thread could be, as I said, "that the RA approve the Order of Succession as proposed" and with the wonders of modern science you can even have the word proposed be a link to the the OP containing the list.
I think if Zyv were here he'd say you're out of line and all votes need to be worded like proposals.

and now I'm wondering what Flem would say if he caught me putting words in peoples mouths.
If Zyvet wants to say that that's fine, but I'm not sure why I'd be having that discussion with him since I'm currently speaking to his boss.

That's like talking to a supervisor and some customer going up and saying "that floor worker over there thinks you're out of line". Ok?
My role isn't to glean a proposal from your post. It's to copy and paste your proposal into a voting thread. This really isn't hard. In fact, it's so easy that I will do it myself.

I move that the RA adopt the following line of succession beyond the Vice Delegate:
1. Great Bights Mum
2. Former English Colony
3. Blackshear
4. Romanoffia
5. McMasterdonia
6. Grosseschnauzer
7. Blue Wolf II
8. Jamie

Is there a second?
Since there is currently nothing in the queue and this is a non-legislative proposal, I ask the Speaker, why the hold up?

Unless the Speaker likes to purposefully delay the workings of the Security Council. I doubt that though.

Nevertheless I do thank the Speaker for his assistance in the matter.

EDIT: Wait, I did say that I'd be waiting a day or two for discussion. My bad. Carry on.