- Pronouns
- he/him/his
- Discord
- sanctaria
Ok this is where we'll draft the FA. Hopefully I'll ge some community submissions to include, otherwise I'm thinking a TNP Wire piece to go alongside it.
Delegate: McMasterdonia
Vice Delegate: Sanctaria
Minister for Foreign Affairs: Sanctaria
Minister for Communications: Iro
Minister for Defence: Ash
Minister for Culture and Entertainment: Lennart
Minister for World Assembly Affairs: Reginald Carmichael
Speaker of the Regional Assembly: Crushing Our Enemies
Security Council:
Chairman: Sanctaria
Members: Great Bights Mum, BlackShear, Grosseschnauzer, Romanoffia, Former English Colony, Blue Wolf II, Jamie, McMasterdonia
The Court
Attorney General: PunkD
Chief Justice: r3naissanc3r Associate Justice: Romanoffia, Vacant
Forum: http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/index/
Map: http://map.thenorthpacific.org/
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/xMGxYi
IRC: http://cbe001.chat.mibbit.com/?server=irc.esper.net&channel=#tnp
Laws: http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/pages/laws/
It was general election time again in TNP and with Delegate Jamie Anumia and Vice Delegate KiwiTaicho both retiring, it meant that two of the three positions up for grab wouldn't be defended by their incumbents! Crushing Our Enemies, outgoing Speaker, announced his intention to run again for the job.
TNPers queueing to vote
7 long days later and TNP finally had a full list of candidates for the general election. Former Delegate McMasterdonia was going up against former Vice Delegate Tim and TNP regular Chasmanthe for the position of Delegate; Minister for World Assembly Affairs and former Court Justice Sanctaria faced off against the TNP stalwart and true blue-blooded Democratic Donkeys for the job of Vice Delegate; and former Deputy AG Belschaft challenged COE for his job as Speaker.
McMasterdonia, Tim, and Chasmanthe sing for their votes
As TNPers went to the polls, candidates for every position campaigned vigorously in their jostle for votes. As the votes began to pour in it was obvious that McM and COE had clear leads over their opponents, but the Vice Delegacy race was much closer with Democratic Donkeys and Sanctaria competing for the lead.
At the end of the voting period, McMasterdonia was elected once again to the office of Delegate, COE remained in his own job, and Sanctaria proved victorious in the fiercely fought Vice Delegate race. Congratulations to the winners and best of luck!
The new Executive Council at work
Firstly, I'd like to thank the voters of the North Pacific for electing me to the office of Delegate once more. I appreciate the strong vote of confidence and trust that has been placed in me.
The Delegacy transition has been completed quickly and I already hold the position in-game as I am sure most of you would have noticed. Thank you to Jamie Anumia for making this process as quick as possible. In traditional style; a few things have propped up right at the beginning of the term. Osiris is undergoing a change of its governmental system that has caused some controversy and the Delegate of Lazarus has ejected and banned a couple of members of the Emerald Council from the region and subsequently resigned from office. There will likely be more on that later. For now, I announce that the my executive team moving forward will include;
The Minister for World Assembly Affairs - Reginald Carmichael (Sovreignry)
Reginald Carmichael will be taking over from Sanctaria as the Minister for World Assembly Affairs. You may know Reginald Carmichael as Sovreignry. Reginald has been involved in the North Pacific for some time and will bring a unique perspective to this role. He identifies as a NatSov which will produce quite different statements on resolutions to that of those written by the former Minister Sanctaria, and we both look forward to the debates that this will generate. Reg will also be advising our voters on matters before the Security Council an area that was previously the responsibility of the former Delegate Jamie Anumia. I look forward to working with Reg on World Assembly matters and in other cabinet discussions.
The Minister for Communications - Iro
I am pleased to announce that Iro will be taking the position of the Minister for Communications. Iro has been one of few TNPers to show an interest in developing a media presence for our region and with that in mind I have decided to appoint him to this position. Iro will be responsible for developing our media presence on the interregional stage and will share our articles across a variety of forums and on the NS forums. I am looking forward to working with Iro on this and hope that a media team can be developed to support him in this role. If you serve in another government position, you are still more than welcome to assist Iro in writing articles for our regional newspaper.
The Minister for Foreign Affairs - Sanctaria
Sanctaria will be continuing in the cabinet in the position of Minister for Foreign Affairs. Sanctaria was highly involved in the cabinet during the Osiris coup and subsequent events and his experience in TNP foreign policy and affairs has grown significantly over the past term of government. I trust him and value his input into our executive government and I believe that he will do well in this role combined with his position as Vice Delegate of the North Pacific.
The Minister for Culture and Entertainment - Lennart
I have decided to bring this position back to the cabinet table because I feel that it is an area that we were lacking in during the last term of office and I opposed the abolition of the position. Lennart has been involved in the North Pacific for a while now. Lennart is an active roleplayer and maintains comprehensive factbooks for his nations. He plans to oversee a revival of roleplay in the North Pacific and he will be responsible for organizing the joint Europeia-TNP Culture festival that we agreed to hold under our recently ratified treaty. I am glad to have him in the cabinet.
The Minister for Defence - Ash
Ash has agreed to take on the Defence Ministry. He has been actively involved in the NPA since joining the North Pacific and I fully expect him to do well in this role. He is in a similar position to me when I first took on the role of Defence Minister during the term of Delegate Blue Wolf II. The NPA's greatest issue at the moment is activity. This will be the core focus for the NPA going forward in the term, combined with the training of new members. The High Command of the NPA will support Ash in his new role, providing advice and assisting him should he require it.
All new Minister's are required to post the oath before assuming office. Don't forget to do so!
In keeping to TNP tradition of never going a week without needing an election, the region has been playing host to a number of special elections in addition to its regularly scheduled General Election!
It all started with elected Attorney General Blue Wolf II stopped turning up to work. Naturally the people were worried, but that worry soon turned to fury with cries of "how dare the Attorney General leave TNPers languishing without access to the Court system - doesn't he know that we thrive on court drama?!" being heard from the Regional Assembly. A recall vote was held and the Regional Assembly voted, by a large margin, to remove Blue Wolf from office. The shame.
The AG's Office after Blue Wolf abandoned it
A special election was held alongside the general election to fill the vacated office. Flemingovia, Punk D, and Belschaft all went forward as candidates, but Bel was forced to ask people to not vote for him because of concerns over whether or not he could do the job and be Delegate of the South Pacific at the same time. He remained on the ballot, but the real race was between former Attorney General Punk D and flemingovia, well-known sceptic of the TNP Court System. Punk D emerged victorious in the election.
Funk's empty seat
Court Justice Funkadelia recently went missing and, as a result of his absence, missed votes in the Regional Assembly and was subsequently removed as a member. Because of this, he was also kicked off the Court. Alas. The bright side though - more elections!
Nominations are currently ongoing and anyone who isn't already holding an office has been nominated, so it's likely this particular election might go on for a while. Who will win? It's anybody's guess, this is TNP after all. Find out the victor in the next Regional Update!
McMasterdonia presents Ash with the colours. Kiwi (l) and Borndisaster (r) look on.The North Pacific Army (NPA) has recently undergone a changing of the guard, after long-serving Defence Minister Kiwi announced his retirement. McMasterdonia, the once and future Delegate, appointed Ash as Kiwi's replacement. During an interview with reporters as the new Defence Minister, Ash outlined his goals for the NPA moving forward: heavily recruiting to create the next generation of leaders, more training missions for NPA soldiers, and increased activity and participation to improve morale. "I appreciate the confidence and trust placed in me by McMasterdonia, and look forward to a productive term ahead working to protect The North Pacific and its interests," Ash was quoted as saying.
Defence Minister Ash speaking with reporters.
With all the cool kids in TNP goin' to their ballot boxes and sayin', hey man, McMasterdonia sounds like a cool cat, it was time for the Delegate himself to come up and tell everyone what he thought about his friends. Cuz, you know, you can't be a cool Delegate without some cool friends.
"So, that Ash, he's got cool hair," McMasterdonia told his sidekick Sanc. "And Iro, he's got that style, you know? And Sov, he's got two names? That's where it's at. And Lennart, all right, he can come too, and Sanctaria, man, you want to? You can be, my, like, ambassador." To which Sanctaria said, "sounds cool," and nodded. McM and Sanc then proceeded to high-five.
Next day, McM's all like, "sup, guys, now you're cool with me, right?" And everyone was cool and they did their oaths cuz they were cool, and that was awesome, so then they checked with their moms to see if they could all come over. And everyone's folks were fine with that 'sept for Ash's mom, who was worried that he was gonna be hanging out with bad kids. But Ash's mom called Sanc's dad and he said that it was all okay, so they did it.
They went over to Sanc's place and they talked for a while. McM warned the other kids that it wasn't easy to be cool, and they had to, like, work hard. "No way, man!" said Sov. "I ain't gonna, like, work for other people."
Then they chilled and talked for a while about how the rival Osiris gang was all totally messed up. Sanc's mom brought down some Oreos and milk and there were some new cool kids on the block.
Speaker of the Regional Assembly: General COE
Deputy Speaker: SillyString
Deputy Speaker: Zyvetskistaahn
Old Business: Please find below a list of proposals that have passed and failed this week.
1. Override of the Delegate’s Veto of the World Assembly Verification Bill: Passed
2. Attorney General Omnibus Bill: Passed
New Business: Below can be found a list of proposals currently before the assembly.
1. Temporary Hearing Officers Bill: Under Discussion
2. Constitutional Repunctuation: Under Discussion
3. Oaths Amendment Bill: Under Discussion
Other Business: See below for other matters that may concern you as a member of the RA.
1. We extend a warm welcome to our newest Assembly members: Chmguy88, RepublicOfTrebinje, and Alfiswen!
2. We bid a fond farewell to those who have left us: Funkadelia. We’re sorry to see them go.
3. The general election and special election have both concluded. Congratulations to Punk D, the new Attorney General, McMasterdonia, the once and future delegate, Sanctaria, the Vice Delegate, and to General COE, the immovable speaker.
4. For the new term, the Speaker’s Office is seeking new deputies who might be interested in running for election in January. Applications for one or two positions are currently being accepted, so apply soon if you’re interested! Congratulations to the first new member of the team - Zyvetskistaahn, also known as Zyvetlongname.
5. As a note to all members of the RA who are a fan of this publication, its issuance has been permanently moved from Fridays to Saturdays. We assure you, it shall remain of only the highest quality.
6. A special election for the office of Justice has begun following Funkadelia’s removal from the Regional Assembly. Nominations last until the 26th, and voting will begin on the 27th. If you wish to run, be sure to declare your candidacy in the nominations thread.
7. The Deputy Speakers wish a very fond happy birthday to the Speaker, and will certainly be celebrating the occasion with an excess of glitter, absurdity, and other forms of gross misconduct.
Zyvetskistaahn Presents: Long Names
My name is fourteen letters long, but it's not the longest name ever. Grosseschnauzer is longer.
SillyString's Silly Advice
If you have an eye for silliness and general absurdity, run for justice!
General COE's Cautionary Words
You should be very nervous when judges are getting elected.

The Government of The North Pacific
Delegate: McMasterdonia
Vice Delegate: Sanctaria
Minister for Foreign Affairs: Sanctaria
Minister for Communications: Iro
Minister for Defence: Ash
Minister for Culture and Entertainment: Lennart
Minister for World Assembly Affairs: Reginald Carmichael
Speaker of the Regional Assembly: Crushing Our Enemies
Security Council:
Chairman: Sanctaria
Members: Great Bights Mum, BlackShear, Grosseschnauzer, Romanoffia, Former English Colony, Blue Wolf II, Jamie, McMasterdonia
The Court
Attorney General: PunkD
Chief Justice: r3naissanc3r Associate Justice: Romanoffia, Vacant
Forum: http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/index/
Map: http://map.thenorthpacific.org/
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/xMGxYi
IRC: http://cbe001.chat.mibbit.com/?server=irc.esper.net&channel=#tnp
Laws: http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/pages/laws/
General Election
It was general election time again in TNP and with Delegate Jamie Anumia and Vice Delegate KiwiTaicho both retiring, it meant that two of the three positions up for grab wouldn't be defended by their incumbents! Crushing Our Enemies, outgoing Speaker, announced his intention to run again for the job.

TNPers queueing to vote
7 long days later and TNP finally had a full list of candidates for the general election. Former Delegate McMasterdonia was going up against former Vice Delegate Tim and TNP regular Chasmanthe for the position of Delegate; Minister for World Assembly Affairs and former Court Justice Sanctaria faced off against the TNP stalwart and true blue-blooded Democratic Donkeys for the job of Vice Delegate; and former Deputy AG Belschaft challenged COE for his job as Speaker.

McMasterdonia, Tim, and Chasmanthe sing for their votes
As TNPers went to the polls, candidates for every position campaigned vigorously in their jostle for votes. As the votes began to pour in it was obvious that McM and COE had clear leads over their opponents, but the Vice Delegacy race was much closer with Democratic Donkeys and Sanctaria competing for the lead.
At the end of the voting period, McMasterdonia was elected once again to the office of Delegate, COE remained in his own job, and Sanctaria proved victorious in the fiercely fought Vice Delegate race. Congratulations to the winners and best of luck!
Written by Sanctaria
Delegate Announces Cabinet

The new Executive Council at work
Firstly, I'd like to thank the voters of the North Pacific for electing me to the office of Delegate once more. I appreciate the strong vote of confidence and trust that has been placed in me.
The Delegacy transition has been completed quickly and I already hold the position in-game as I am sure most of you would have noticed. Thank you to Jamie Anumia for making this process as quick as possible. In traditional style; a few things have propped up right at the beginning of the term. Osiris is undergoing a change of its governmental system that has caused some controversy and the Delegate of Lazarus has ejected and banned a couple of members of the Emerald Council from the region and subsequently resigned from office. There will likely be more on that later. For now, I announce that the my executive team moving forward will include;
The Minister for World Assembly Affairs - Reginald Carmichael (Sovreignry)
Reginald Carmichael will be taking over from Sanctaria as the Minister for World Assembly Affairs. You may know Reginald Carmichael as Sovreignry. Reginald has been involved in the North Pacific for some time and will bring a unique perspective to this role. He identifies as a NatSov which will produce quite different statements on resolutions to that of those written by the former Minister Sanctaria, and we both look forward to the debates that this will generate. Reg will also be advising our voters on matters before the Security Council an area that was previously the responsibility of the former Delegate Jamie Anumia. I look forward to working with Reg on World Assembly matters and in other cabinet discussions.
The Minister for Communications - Iro
I am pleased to announce that Iro will be taking the position of the Minister for Communications. Iro has been one of few TNPers to show an interest in developing a media presence for our region and with that in mind I have decided to appoint him to this position. Iro will be responsible for developing our media presence on the interregional stage and will share our articles across a variety of forums and on the NS forums. I am looking forward to working with Iro on this and hope that a media team can be developed to support him in this role. If you serve in another government position, you are still more than welcome to assist Iro in writing articles for our regional newspaper.
The Minister for Foreign Affairs - Sanctaria
Sanctaria will be continuing in the cabinet in the position of Minister for Foreign Affairs. Sanctaria was highly involved in the cabinet during the Osiris coup and subsequent events and his experience in TNP foreign policy and affairs has grown significantly over the past term of government. I trust him and value his input into our executive government and I believe that he will do well in this role combined with his position as Vice Delegate of the North Pacific.
The Minister for Culture and Entertainment - Lennart
I have decided to bring this position back to the cabinet table because I feel that it is an area that we were lacking in during the last term of office and I opposed the abolition of the position. Lennart has been involved in the North Pacific for a while now. Lennart is an active roleplayer and maintains comprehensive factbooks for his nations. He plans to oversee a revival of roleplay in the North Pacific and he will be responsible for organizing the joint Europeia-TNP Culture festival that we agreed to hold under our recently ratified treaty. I am glad to have him in the cabinet.
The Minister for Defence - Ash
Ash has agreed to take on the Defence Ministry. He has been actively involved in the NPA since joining the North Pacific and I fully expect him to do well in this role. He is in a similar position to me when I first took on the role of Defence Minister during the term of Delegate Blue Wolf II. The NPA's greatest issue at the moment is activity. This will be the core focus for the NPA going forward in the term, combined with the training of new members. The High Command of the NPA will support Ash in his new role, providing advice and assisting him should he require it.
All new Minister's are required to post the oath before assuming office. Don't forget to do so!
Written by McMasterdonia
Special Elections
In keeping to TNP tradition of never going a week without needing an election, the region has been playing host to a number of special elections in addition to its regularly scheduled General Election!
It all started with elected Attorney General Blue Wolf II stopped turning up to work. Naturally the people were worried, but that worry soon turned to fury with cries of "how dare the Attorney General leave TNPers languishing without access to the Court system - doesn't he know that we thrive on court drama?!" being heard from the Regional Assembly. A recall vote was held and the Regional Assembly voted, by a large margin, to remove Blue Wolf from office. The shame.

The AG's Office after Blue Wolf abandoned it
A special election was held alongside the general election to fill the vacated office. Flemingovia, Punk D, and Belschaft all went forward as candidates, but Bel was forced to ask people to not vote for him because of concerns over whether or not he could do the job and be Delegate of the South Pacific at the same time. He remained on the ballot, but the real race was between former Attorney General Punk D and flemingovia, well-known sceptic of the TNP Court System. Punk D emerged victorious in the election.

Funk's empty seat
Court Justice Funkadelia recently went missing and, as a result of his absence, missed votes in the Regional Assembly and was subsequently removed as a member. Because of this, he was also kicked off the Court. Alas. The bright side though - more elections!
Nominations are currently ongoing and anyone who isn't already holding an office has been nominated, so it's likely this particular election might go on for a while. Who will win? It's anybody's guess, this is TNP after all. Find out the victor in the next Regional Update!
Written by Sanctaria
NPA News

McMasterdonia presents Ash with the colours. Kiwi (l) and Borndisaster (r) look on.

Defence Minister Ash speaking with reporters.
Written by Ash
McM picks who's hot, then they all go chill at Sanc's place
With all the cool kids in TNP goin' to their ballot boxes and sayin', hey man, McMasterdonia sounds like a cool cat, it was time for the Delegate himself to come up and tell everyone what he thought about his friends. Cuz, you know, you can't be a cool Delegate without some cool friends.
"So, that Ash, he's got cool hair," McMasterdonia told his sidekick Sanc. "And Iro, he's got that style, you know? And Sov, he's got two names? That's where it's at. And Lennart, all right, he can come too, and Sanctaria, man, you want to? You can be, my, like, ambassador." To which Sanctaria said, "sounds cool," and nodded. McM and Sanc then proceeded to high-five.
Next day, McM's all like, "sup, guys, now you're cool with me, right?" And everyone was cool and they did their oaths cuz they were cool, and that was awesome, so then they checked with their moms to see if they could all come over. And everyone's folks were fine with that 'sept for Ash's mom, who was worried that he was gonna be hanging out with bad kids. But Ash's mom called Sanc's dad and he said that it was all okay, so they did it.
They went over to Sanc's place and they talked for a while. McM warned the other kids that it wasn't easy to be cool, and they had to, like, work hard. "No way, man!" said Sov. "I ain't gonna, like, work for other people."
Then they chilled and talked for a while about how the rival Osiris gang was all totally messed up. Sanc's mom brought down some Oreos and milk and there were some new cool kids on the block.
Written by Iro
Regional Assembly Weekly Digest
(2013-09-13 - 2013-09-21)
(2013-09-13 - 2013-09-21)
Speaker of the Regional Assembly: General COE
Deputy Speaker: SillyString
Deputy Speaker: Zyvetskistaahn
Old Business: Please find below a list of proposals that have passed and failed this week.
1. Override of the Delegate’s Veto of the World Assembly Verification Bill: Passed
2. Attorney General Omnibus Bill: Passed
New Business: Below can be found a list of proposals currently before the assembly.
1. Temporary Hearing Officers Bill: Under Discussion
2. Constitutional Repunctuation: Under Discussion
3. Oaths Amendment Bill: Under Discussion
Other Business: See below for other matters that may concern you as a member of the RA.
1. We extend a warm welcome to our newest Assembly members: Chmguy88, RepublicOfTrebinje, and Alfiswen!
2. We bid a fond farewell to those who have left us: Funkadelia. We’re sorry to see them go.
3. The general election and special election have both concluded. Congratulations to Punk D, the new Attorney General, McMasterdonia, the once and future delegate, Sanctaria, the Vice Delegate, and to General COE, the immovable speaker.
4. For the new term, the Speaker’s Office is seeking new deputies who might be interested in running for election in January. Applications for one or two positions are currently being accepted, so apply soon if you’re interested! Congratulations to the first new member of the team - Zyvetskistaahn, also known as Zyvetlongname.
5. As a note to all members of the RA who are a fan of this publication, its issuance has been permanently moved from Fridays to Saturdays. We assure you, it shall remain of only the highest quality.
6. A special election for the office of Justice has begun following Funkadelia’s removal from the Regional Assembly. Nominations last until the 26th, and voting will begin on the 27th. If you wish to run, be sure to declare your candidacy in the nominations thread.
7. The Deputy Speakers wish a very fond happy birthday to the Speaker, and will certainly be celebrating the occasion with an excess of glitter, absurdity, and other forms of gross misconduct.
Zyvetskistaahn Presents: Long Names
My name is fourteen letters long, but it's not the longest name ever. Grosseschnauzer is longer.
SillyString's Silly Advice
If you have an eye for silliness and general absurdity, run for justice!
General COE's Cautionary Words
You should be very nervous when judges are getting elected.
Written by Crushing Our Enemies
Thanks for reading our update!