Feedback: Give


This is just a rough draft of everything I've been brainstorming over the past few days for Comms.

1) Direct News: Finding ways to communicate important news stories as soon as they break. I'd want to recruit a few people to be on hand, so we can literally be as fast as possible, then figure out different mediums for communications. Twitter, forums (TNP and NS) and RMB are all options, but I want a wide variety of media so we can reach out to the most people.

2) The Wire.... obviously. Want it to come out more and get a larger name. Not sure what I can do to improve it besides get more staff on it, easy because we currently have none.

3) Private Media: I want to encourage this up. One, because it's good, two because I think we can source from it. It's happened before, so we could start campaigning that if you bring out your own front, we'll probably feature it :)

4) Advertising: this has happened successfully in other regions, and we could bring it here. Perhaps we could deal with campaigns and legislation supporters, though I'm not sure what we'd take in return.

5) Audio broadcasts: We could do some sort of recording. I'm not crystal clear on how this would work.

Any suggestions or feedback?
I like all of these ideas. We can discuss them in more detail at the meeting.

I think that Twitter could be used quite effectively. Especially if we follow other major regions and players and get them to retweet it. We could look at getting a twitter feed on the forum (not sure if its possible) and at the very least we could link to it in our signatures.

Posting on the RMB is a great idea, we need more people involved on it. A set format could work, and we should include brief government news and a link to the full forum thread about it.

2) The wire just needs people writing for it to be honest. You can ditch the name and go with TNPSP if you prefer.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by advertising. Could you elaborate?
By advertising, I mean we could stick people's messages in the Wire or on the forums or the RMB. Again, it's an abstract idea and I'm not entirely sure how it would work, but I imagine people would enjoy getting their messages out in a big publication.

I, uh, think ditching the name would look really bad on my part. I'll keep the Wire, but thanks for the suggestion.

Title: Apply for a job at dTNP or the Wire!

As Communications start up again, there are three programs that we need YOUR help with!

dTNP: A new direct news service by the Communications Ministry to keep TNPers and the world updated with facts, immediately as they happen. With a constant barrage of forums, RMBs and other mediums pounding every TNP citizen, it's important to know what's happening and get in there immediately instead of finding out a few days later when the action's gone. That's where dTNP - (the d is for direct) comes in. Whenever anything importance happens, dTNP goes out immediately to Twitter, the RMB, NationStates forums, and wherever people need to know.

What we need you for: Being a resource to put out news- the Minister & Deputy can't do it all by themselves! You would be relied on to look out for important events while you're on the TNP forums, then post 1 or 2 sentences (and a link, if applicable) to a Twitter account, a NS forum thread you'd be given the link to, and on the RMB in a designated format.
Flashy Title: You get to be marked as a Ministry Correspondent in your sig or whatever.....
TNP Factual: This is a sort of follow-up service to dTNP. If dTNP is immediate and concise, then TNP Factual is informative and thorough. This would be a serious recap of whatever happens, such as a coup or election, and it would be posted to the NationStates forums.

What we need you for: Writing factual articles and submitting them to the Minister.
Flashy Title: Senior Ministry Correspondent. You will be credited in-article.
The Wire: Yup, it's here again. The region's monthly newspaper will begin chugging out satire and tabloidium shortly.

What we need you for: To write satiric articles about the region's happenings. Applicants should be reasonably humorous and enjoy writing. Don't worry if you're not perfect, because no one is, we'll take your articles in whatever form they come in.
Flashy Title: (whatever you're writing about) Columnist. And you'll be credited for every article you write. For instance, if we publish your article called McM Elected, you'd be an Election Columnist. If you were publishing a bio of Flemingovia, you'd be the God Columnist. If you were Flemingovia, whom I hope will join us, you'd be God. Or Señor God, which has a ring to it.

You will only have to submit one application, and you can apply for any or all of these three as well as any combination, but you will have to send me an extra thing for every position you apply for. ALL APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED SOLELY THROUGH P.M. TO [me]. ANY REPLIES IN THIS THREAD WILL BE PROMPTLY DELETED.

Forum Name:
Preferred Name: 
Nation in TNP:
Positions Applying For: 
Reasons for Applying:
Skills for Jobs:
NationStates Experience with Journalism/Communications: (none is a perfectly fine answer, it won't hurt you)
Tell me a Joke about TNP:
Any Other Messages:
Experience with Twitter: (none is OK)
Do you have a Twitter account?: 

McMasterdonia has just announced his plan to coup TNP. Sanctaria has said, "I can't believe what this cruel, thoughtless person is doing. McM's a horrible person. I hate this plan, and I won't go along with it." The link to the thread is, and you must include it. 

Your job here is to compose a 140 character (or less) description of the event with link included. You have the option to use a part of Sanc's quote. If you don't know how many 140 characters is, use the link below. 

Link to character counter:
Factual APP
Experience with NationStates forums:
Do you have a private media outlet?:
Serious Article Writing Sample: (link or sample here)
Wire APP
Do you have experience writing satire?:
How long you been active in TNP:
Do you have a Private Media publication:
Satire article example: (link or story here)
Thanks so much! My problem is: no one's applied. At all. How should I publicize it more?
I agree with McM. I'll be sending one recruitment telegram to each WA member nation in TNP. It really doesn't take longer than a few days, much like endotarting.
We have an automated script that will do that for you Ash. You just need to ask r3n to set you up with an account and you'll be good to go. Heaps easier.
Ah, I remember you mentioning that. I will get in touch with r3n. Thanks for the reminder.