- TNP Nation
- McMasterdonia
A Statement on the Cabinet of the North Pacific
Firstly, I'd like to thank the voters of the North Pacific for electing me to the office of Delegate once more. I appreciate the strong vote of confidence and trust that has been placed in me.
The Delegacy transition has been completed quickly and I already hold the position in-game as I am sure most of you would have noticed. Thank you to Jamie Anumia for making this process as quick as possible. In traditional style; a few things have propped up right at the beginning of the term. Osiris is undergoing a change of its governmental system that has caused some controversy and the Delegate of Lazarus has ejected and banned a couple of members of the Emerald Council from the region and subsequently resigned from office. There will likely be more on that later. For now, I announce that the my executive team moving forward will include;
The Minister for World Assembly Affairs - Reginald Carmichael (Sovreignry)
Reginald Carmichael will be taking over from Sanctaria as the Minister for World Assembly Affairs. You may know Reginald Carmichael as Sovreignry. Reginald has been involved in the North Pacific for some time and will bring a unique perspective to this role. He identifies as a NatSov which will produce quite different statements on resolutions to that of those written by the former Minister Sanctaria, and we both look forward to the debates that this will generate. Reg will also be advising our voters on matters before the Security Council an area that was previously the responsibility of the former Delegate Jamie Anumia. I look forward to working with Reg on World Assembly matters and in other cabinet discussions.
The Minister for Communications - Iro
I am pleased to announce that Iro will be taking the position of the Minister for Communications. Iro has been one of few TNPers to show an interest in developing a media presence for our region and with that in mind I have decided to appoint him to this position. Iro will be responsible for developing our media presence on the interregional stage and will share our articles across a variety of forums and on the NS forums. I am looking forward to working with Iro on this and hope that a media team can be developed to support him in this role. If you serve in another government position, you are still more than welcome to assist Iro in writing articles for our regional newspaper.
The Minister for Foreign Affairs - Sanctaria
Sanctaria will be continuing in the cabinet in the position of Minister for Foreign Affairs. Sanctaria was highly involved in the cabinet during the Osiris coup and subsequent events and his experience in TNP foreign policy and affairs has grown significantly over the past term of government. I trust him and value his input into our executive government and I believe that he will do well in this role combined with his position as Vice Delegate of the North Pacific.
The Minister for Culture and Entertainment - Lennart
I have decided to bring this position back to the cabinet table because I feel that it is an area that we were lacking in during the last term of office and I opposed the abolition of the position. Lennart has been involved in the North Pacific for a while now. Lennart is an active roleplayer and maintains comprehensive factbooks for his nations. He plans to oversee a revival of roleplay in the North Pacific and he will be responsible for organizing the joint Europeia-TNP Culture festival that we agreed to hold under our recently ratified treaty. I am glad to have him in the cabinet.
The Minister for Defence - Ash
Ash has agreed to take on the Defence Ministry. He has been actively involved in the NPA since joining the North Pacific and I fully expect him to do well in this role. He is in a similar position to me when I first took on the role of Defence Minister during the term of Delegate Blue Wolf II. The NPA's greatest issue at the moment is activity. This will be the core focus for the NPA going forward in the term, combined with the training of new members. The High Command of the NPA will support Ash in his new role, providing advice and assisting him should he require it.
All new Minister's are required to post the oath before assuming office. Don't forget to do so!

Firstly, I'd like to thank the voters of the North Pacific for electing me to the office of Delegate once more. I appreciate the strong vote of confidence and trust that has been placed in me.
The Delegacy transition has been completed quickly and I already hold the position in-game as I am sure most of you would have noticed. Thank you to Jamie Anumia for making this process as quick as possible. In traditional style; a few things have propped up right at the beginning of the term. Osiris is undergoing a change of its governmental system that has caused some controversy and the Delegate of Lazarus has ejected and banned a couple of members of the Emerald Council from the region and subsequently resigned from office. There will likely be more on that later. For now, I announce that the my executive team moving forward will include;
The Minister for World Assembly Affairs - Reginald Carmichael (Sovreignry)
Reginald Carmichael will be taking over from Sanctaria as the Minister for World Assembly Affairs. You may know Reginald Carmichael as Sovreignry. Reginald has been involved in the North Pacific for some time and will bring a unique perspective to this role. He identifies as a NatSov which will produce quite different statements on resolutions to that of those written by the former Minister Sanctaria, and we both look forward to the debates that this will generate. Reg will also be advising our voters on matters before the Security Council an area that was previously the responsibility of the former Delegate Jamie Anumia. I look forward to working with Reg on World Assembly matters and in other cabinet discussions.
The Minister for Communications - Iro
I am pleased to announce that Iro will be taking the position of the Minister for Communications. Iro has been one of few TNPers to show an interest in developing a media presence for our region and with that in mind I have decided to appoint him to this position. Iro will be responsible for developing our media presence on the interregional stage and will share our articles across a variety of forums and on the NS forums. I am looking forward to working with Iro on this and hope that a media team can be developed to support him in this role. If you serve in another government position, you are still more than welcome to assist Iro in writing articles for our regional newspaper.
The Minister for Foreign Affairs - Sanctaria
Sanctaria will be continuing in the cabinet in the position of Minister for Foreign Affairs. Sanctaria was highly involved in the cabinet during the Osiris coup and subsequent events and his experience in TNP foreign policy and affairs has grown significantly over the past term of government. I trust him and value his input into our executive government and I believe that he will do well in this role combined with his position as Vice Delegate of the North Pacific.
The Minister for Culture and Entertainment - Lennart
I have decided to bring this position back to the cabinet table because I feel that it is an area that we were lacking in during the last term of office and I opposed the abolition of the position. Lennart has been involved in the North Pacific for a while now. Lennart is an active roleplayer and maintains comprehensive factbooks for his nations. He plans to oversee a revival of roleplay in the North Pacific and he will be responsible for organizing the joint Europeia-TNP Culture festival that we agreed to hold under our recently ratified treaty. I am glad to have him in the cabinet.
The Minister for Defence - Ash
Ash has agreed to take on the Defence Ministry. He has been actively involved in the NPA since joining the North Pacific and I fully expect him to do well in this role. He is in a similar position to me when I first took on the role of Defence Minister during the term of Delegate Blue Wolf II. The NPA's greatest issue at the moment is activity. This will be the core focus for the NPA going forward in the term, combined with the training of new members. The High Command of the NPA will support Ash in his new role, providing advice and assisting him should he require it.
All new Minister's are required to post the oath before assuming office. Don't forget to do so!