22nd Premiership of the United Kingdom
Monarch:HM King-Emperor Edward IX
Prince of Wales:HRH Prince Michael
Prime Minister: Chris Mikaelson
Deputy Prime Minister: Edwin T. C. Astor
Home Secretary: Alexander I.M. Stewart
Foreign Secretary: Vaculatestar Telsontair
Defence Secretary: Edwin T. C. Astor
Culture Secretary: Richard de Montfort
Director of MI5: Alastair Goode
Attorney General: George W. F. Astor
WA Delegate: HM King Edward IX
Chief Justice: Jacob M. Stewart
Sr. Associate Justice: Edwin T. C. Astor
Jr. Associate Justice: Vacant
25th Session of Parliament
Speaker of Parliament
Lord Cavendish
Peers of Parliament
Klaus Mikaelson, the Viscount of Belfast
Lord Cavendish, the Duke of Worcester
Members of Parliament
Chris Mikaelson of Northern England (Lab)
Daniel Stewart of Southern England (RCP)
Alexander I. M. Stewart of Wales (RCP)
Victoria Stewart of Scotland (Lab)
Richard de Montfort of Northern Ireland (Lab)
Majority: No Organized Majority
Loyal Opposition: No Organized Minority
1st Mikaelson Premiership and the 25th Session of Parliament!
After the August 27th General Election and subsequent runoff on August 29th, Chris Mikaelson (Lab) has defeated then current Prime Minister George Astor (RCP) with 58% of the vote in the race for 10 Downing. This followed a trend in the night’s election, with the Labour party defeating the Royalist Constitutionalist Party by gaining a majority of the seats in the commons.
Only hours after winning the UK’s highest executive office, Prime Minister Mikaelson addressed the region in his first official speech as Prime Minister. In this speech, he laid out his goals his Premiership, including working closely with the Home Office to create new solutions to stop the falling nation count. To help him achieve a successful term as Prime Minister, Prime Minister Mikaelson has filled his cabinet with experienced members of the UK Government, as can be observed above.
In the Parliamentary elections of the night, Labour stole the commons, with taking 3 out of the 5 seats, leaving the other two seats for members of the Royalist Constitutionalist Party. While the two members of the RCP won their seats without the need for a runoff, all three Labour candidates were forced into a runoff, in which all of they were successful in.
At the State opening of Parliament, His Majesty, King Edward IX, appointed Lord Cavendish, 2nd Duke of Worcester and Lord Klaus Mikaelson, Viscount of Belfast as his representatives in parliament. After the State Opening, the members and lords got right to work with their first order of business, electing a speaker. After a couple of days of deliberation, the members elected Lord Cavendish, 2nd Duke of Worcester as the Speaker for the 25th session of parliament.
After the post-election hype wore off, the parliamentarians got down to work, but business in the chamber has been rather slow in the days since the election. Although more legislation is being debated in the Stranger’s Gallery, only two pieces of legislation has passed through the chamber so far. The first act being deliberated over is the Citizenship Reform Act Amendment II (2013) which deals with many aspects of the citizenship process and the rights of citizens, but a big point being debated over is the concept of “Honourary” or lifetime citizenship for citizens whom have contributed a considerable amount to the UK. The second is an inter-regional monetary treaty known as MRET. This act has been viewed as extremely unpopular and was motioned to be tabled this morning.
Foreign Affairs
Vaculatestar Telsontair who was recently re-appointed to the Foreign Secretary is getting right to work as he has immediately put out a call for more ambassadors to fill several new embassies around NationStates. He is also going to be representing United Kingdom alongside Prime Minister Chris Mikaelson at the Treaty of London Summit which is going to be held at the Kingdom of Britain between several British themed regions in the near future. Secretary Telsontair is also preparing to give out awards/commendations to several deserving members of the diplomatic corp.
The newly appointed Culture Secretary Richard de Montford has gotten right to work in planning and announcing events for the enjoyment of the region. For the first week of September there will be a cartoon villain week where citizens of the region have a cartoon villain as there forum avatar and also for the duration of the month there will be a posting contest where citizens of the region can sign up for it at which case there starting post will be noted and from that point on the amount of posts they make will be kept track of and at the end the person who posted the most for the duration of the contest will be declared the winner.
For staffing Secretary de Montford has appointed former Member of Parliament Bill Dearheart to be his Deputy Secretary of Culture and Lewis Grey-Anumia to be the Director General of the B.B.C.
This last week the Supreme Court has decided to hear the case STEPS, VULPES v. THE REGIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL, where petitioner Steps asked for an injunction against the Regional Security Council (RSC) from using power authorized to the RSC in the Defence Reform Act and World Assembly Delegate Act on constitutional grounds. HM Government responded by assigning Attorney-General George Astor, JD as the Defence Council. Ms. Steps argued to the court against the legitimacy of the decisions made by the RSC, stating that the council was engaging in acts of legislating and was a clear breach of the separation of powers, as stated in the constitution.
The petitioner also argued that the membership of the Crown on the RSC is unconstitutional as the council is headed by the Prime Minister in his capacity as Head of the Government, therefore breaching the constitution by allowing the Crown to serve in an executive position. This case lasted four days, and was overseen by the Lord Chief Justice Jacob Stewart and Magistrate Justice Constance St. James. The case ended with the denial of the petitioners request for relief in full and the courts refused to enjoin the Regional Security Council.
This update was brought to you by the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs ~
on behalf of His Majesty, His Government and His Citizens.
Respectfully, British Diplomatic Service