[Complete]Defeated: Commend the Pacific [Complete]


Commend the Pacific
A resolution to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region.

Category: Commendation | Nominee: the Pacific | Proposed by: Charax

Description: The Security Council,

Recognizing the New Pacific Order (NPO, formerly known as the People's Republic of The Pacific) as the legitimate governing body of the Pacific;

Noting that the NPO has continuously served as the government body of The Pacific for over a decade, providing a stability and safety from coups and rogue delegates unheard of in other Pacific regions for its member nations since its inception;

Praising the dedication and commitment of The Pacific's member nations to uphold the Charter of The Pacific and support of the NPO throughout the last decade, especially in its resistance to those that sought to overthrow the NPO over the years, such as the Alliance Defense Network and the Free Pacific Army;

Acknowledging the leadership The Pacific under the NPO has shown against regions and groups that promote discrimination and hate, including invasions of The Greater German Reich as part of the now-defunct Sovereign Confederation, as well as leading a large coalition of regions against NAZI EUROPE (June 2013);

Further Acknowledging the measures taken by The Pacific to combat recruitment via the Regional Message Board, a practice which many nations found disruptive, with a suppression system that has been adopted by the vast majority of all large regions;

Observing The Pacific's efforts under the NPO to promote similar stability and peace in other Pacific regions, as well as Osiris, Balder, Lazarus and The Rejected Realms, through both treaties, such as with The West Pacific (ratified 24th August 2013) and military action, such as the recent Osiran coup (Deployed July 2013);

Believing these successes are due to the "Francoist" doctrine of Francos Spain, who rose to power in The Pacific during the August Revolution of 2003 and subsequently formed the NPO;

Impressed at the subsequent authoring of 'Proper Fracoist Thought', an essay which has informed generations upon generations of Pacifican nations as to the purpose and running of the New Pacific Order, which is often misrepresented due to prejudice in the inter-regional community;

Contending that The Pacific's stability and continued relevance in World Affairs is something to be emulated by all Pacific regions, as well as Lazarus, Balder, Osiris and The Rejected Realms;

Resolved to recognize unique and important historical achievements, regardless of opinions regarding type of government achieving them;


Co-authored by Wintermoot

Vote For, Against, Abstain, or Present.
Though I agree with most of the resolution's commendations of The Pacific, the latter half appears to be a stealth commendation of Francos Spain. Against.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.