Hey fellas i'm a new player on this site. So far this seems like a great game 
Nickname(s)?: My name is Kevin so feel free to call me Kevin or any variation of KjBush
Main Nation?: Schugrenstadt
RL Country?: USA, Michigan
Favourite Colour(s)?: Orange
Do you use IRC?: Yes
Political Ideology? Conservative
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games? YES!
I'm looking forward to meeting many of you.

Nickname(s)?: My name is Kevin so feel free to call me Kevin or any variation of KjBush
Main Nation?: Schugrenstadt
RL Country?: USA, Michigan
Favourite Colour(s)?: Orange
Do you use IRC?: Yes
Political Ideology? Conservative
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games? YES!
I'm looking forward to meeting many of you.