Defeated: Unwed Parenthood Act [Complete] [Complete]


Unwed Parenthood Act
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.

Category: Social Justice | Strength: Mild | Proposed by: Christian Democrats

Description: The General Assembly,

Realizing that there are increasing rates of unplanned pregnancy and unintended childbirth out of wedlock,

Understanding the particular difficulties associated with raising one or more children as a single parent,

Recognizing the heavy financial burdens of raising children in any situation,

Believing it is easier to raise children when responsibilities are shared by multiple individuals,

Noting the "marriage gap," the social scientific observation that married couples usually have greater incomes than singles or unmarried couples, thus making it less difficult to have children,

1. Requires member states to establish sexual education programs in their secondary schools with an emphasis on preventing unplanned pregnancy;

2. Encourages member states to commit public funding to adoption services and to social assistance programs to help parents who are struggling to raise their children;

3. Urges member states to enact tax relief for low-income parents;

4. Defines marriage, as used below, as (a) civil marriage in jurisdictions where marriages are recognized by the government or (b) formal and informal relationships similar to marriage in jurisdictions where marriages are not recognized by the government;

5. Instructs the World Health Authority to launch an international awareness campaign, funded fully by voluntary donations intended for this specific program, (a) to promote marriage among young people as a valuable social institution; (b) to discourage sexual conduct that reasonably might lead to unplanned pregnancy; (c) to disseminate information to young people on the benefits of waiting to become sexually active until one is physically, mentally, and emotionally mature; (d) to increase general public knowledge on pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease; and (e) to combat discrimination against pregnant individuals, unmarried parents, and their children;

6. Mandates that the World Health Authority focus the efforts of its international awareness campaign on those member states where unplanned pregnancy rates are highest; and

7. Forbids governments within the jurisdiction of this Assembly from taking actions intended to undermine the goals of the international awareness campaign outlined above.

Please vote For, Against, Abstain, Present.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you change your vote, please do not edit your post to reflect this. Please post again clearly stating you are changing your vote. This is to ensure your updated vote is counted.

Ministry of WA Affairs Official Review
by Minister Sanctarian WA Mission

This mild social justice resolution, authored by Christian Democrats, aims to combat unplanned pregnancies in member nations by ordering these nations implement a serious of reforms.

The reforms suggested seem pretty sensible, such as creating an awareness campaign, but the reality is that this resolution is less focused on combating unplanned pregnancies, as is more concerned with those pregnancies that happen outside of marriage.

The resolution introduces a new definition of marriage, and doesn't clearly define it to be only for the purposes of this resolution. The resolution urges nations to set tax-relief status for marriages. This resolution has a stigmatising tone running throughout which has a disturbing air of "single/unmarried parents are bad", which I feel is both out of place for a resolution by the World Assembly, and also incredibly underhanded, in which he attempts to push this under an attempt to combat unplanned pregnancies.

A rather unpleasant part of this resolution also defines adoption services as one way, and because it's listed first I can only assume the most preferred option, to deal with families who are having trouble. Telling nations to encourage parents in difficulty, this being aimed at single or unwed parents, that adoption of their child is the best method if they have trouble raising their children is insulting, dishonest, and crucially inherently anti-family. Again, there is this tone that being an unwed parent is a bad thing and you should be ashamed.

I usually count the tone of a resolution as a factor to consider, but I wouldn't usually place such an emphasis on it, as I do in this case. But for this case, I think it's doubly important, because if we're going to introduce a resolution dealing with unplanned pregnancies, then we should do it in a compassionate and understanding manner, and not one that is effectively a side-swipe at unmarried or single parents. The fact there is another proposal in the queue that I believe more adequately deals with the issue is also a consideration in my recommendation.

I firmly believe that this resolution is harmful, and as such I would strongly recommend a vote against. Should this resolution be defeated, another one will come to vote immediately after that tackles the issue in a much more comprehensive manner, without the odious overtones that this one contains.

This Author never seems to give up. Sanctaria - do you have any idea how many proposals of his have passed v failed?
To date, he has passed 7 GA resolutions, 6 have failed. 2 of those passed have been repealed.
Great Bights Mum:
Against. If for nothing else than the phrase "Pregnant individuals." Really?
I honestly hadn't noticed that! This resolution appears to be so anti-woman, the author refuses to even say "pregnant woman" :pinch:
Against. As a raging feminist I feel there is no other way to vote.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.