Candidate Gaffe: Halal, Haram & Islam the Country


Just like a queef in the wind, so is life
TNP Nation

This lady is a candidate for One Nation, which is like a far right, ultra-racist/nationalist party.

In this interview the candidate describes Islam as a country, talks about her dislike of Haram and that 2.5% of Australians follow it, and says some other amusingly stupid and bigoted things. The video is worth watching just for a laugh.

Besides Pauline Hanson and some success in the late 90s/early 2000's in Queensland, one nation has not done particularly well as a political party.

Pauline Hanson recently said that she was selling her house and moving to England. She then went on to say that hse would not sell her house to a muslim, a jew, an asian or a black person.
I read this yesterday. The article described her as "Australia's Sarah Palin". I would actually describe her as a bit closer to Christine "I'm not a witch" O'Donnell.
As I was writing that, I was actually thinking that Sarah Palin and Christine O'Donnell are more politically savvy and intelligent, respectively. But every nation has people that get involved in politics that should probably pass a civics exam first.