Defeated: Chemical Weapons Convention [Complete] [Complete]


Chemical Weapons Convention
Category: Global Disarmament | Strength: Strong | Proposed by: Chester Pearson

Description: The World Assembly,

Acknowledges that some nations may possess chemical weapons,

Realizes that some nations use chemical weapons both domestically and in military conflict,

Believes that the massive casualties and long term environmental damage that these weapons cause far outweighs any advantages gained by their use,

For the purposes of this convention:

"Chemical agent" shall be defined as any substance that is capable of causing death or severe harm to a person, plant, animal, a habitable area or to the environment, primarily through its toxic chemical properties; a "riot control agent" shall be defined as any lachrymatory chemical substance that is designed to non-lethally incapacitate and subdue any conscious sentient person, plant or animal, primarily via the chemical effects of such agent,

Hereby decrees:

  1. The use of chemical agents as weapons (hereafter referred to as chemical weapons) in any capacity that may injure or destroy civilian populations, military personnel, or the environment shall be prohibited,
  2. Member nations that possess chemical weapons immediately and completely dismantle their chemical weapons programs and neutralize their chemical weapons in a timely manner with as safe a procedure as possible,
  3. Member nations are permitted to utilize riot control agents in a law enforcement role within territories under their control only,
  4. Member nations shall take all measures necessary and practical in preventing the production, sale, or transfer of chemical weapons from their own nation to another party, if the transfer process is considered to violate the intentions and provisions of this resolution,
  5. The World Assembly Chemical Weapons Commission (WACWC) shall be established, and be tasked with the following mandate:
    • To develop and maintain a library of known chemical weapons, and to share this information with member nations,
    • To assist member nations in establishing effective programs meant to defend against chemical weapons,
    • To assist member nations in eliminating their chemical weapons stockpiles,
    • To provide medical and humanitarian assistance to member nations subject to chemical weapon attacks, under the direction of the World Health Authority;
  6. Member nations shall be permitted to stockpile chemical agents, so long as they are in compliance with the provisions and intent of this resolution; such a stockpile shall be used exclusively for peaceful purposes.

Please vote For, Against, Abstain, or Present.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you change your vote, please do not edit your post to reflect this. Please post again clearly stating you are changing your vote. This is to ensure your updated vote is counted.

Tally: 0-0-0-0

Ministry of WA Affairs Official Review
by Minister Sanctarian WA Mission

This is a strong global disarmament proposal which seeks to ban the use of chemical agents as weapons, and to further reduce the threat of chemical weapons falling into the hands of rogue states or terrorist groups.

This resolution begins by stating a difference between chemical weapons and riot control agents. This distinction is important as, in the next part, all use of chemical weapons is banned by the resolution. WA states are then required to dismantle chemical weapons programs and neutralise all existing weapons.

The aforementioned distinction becomes important in the next part as the resolution does allow for riot control weapons, which is deems different to chemical weapons, to be permitted. The resolution also allows for chemical agents to be stockpiled, so long as they are in compliance with this resolution, i.e. not weaponised.

This is where the resolution falls down a little. It forbids nations from producing, selling, or transferring chemical weapons to a third party, likely to cut down on chemical terrorism by non-state actors or rogue states themselves. However, while weapons are forbidden from being sold, it does not stop the chemical agents themselves from being sold to terrorist groups, along with instructions on how to weaponise. In other words, if a nation sold chemical agents to a non state actor and told them how to weaponise them, they would not be in violation of this act, as the act only forbids the sale or transfer or the weapons themselves.

In theory this one little loophole shouldn't really be that big a deal, but practically it would allow the continued sale of, in effect, chemical weapons on the black market allowing terrorist, or other unsavoury groups, to continue using them against people, and the nation in question would not be forbidden from doing this.

The resolution also establishes a new commission, the WACWC, that is to work with nations in helping them to further understand, protect, and deal with chemical weapons. This committee itself seems to be fairly straightforward and I have no problem with it, even if the duties could have been transferred to an already existing committee.

Overall, I find it very hard to come up with any one position on this resolution. There is nothing fundamentally bad about it, but the loophole I mentioned earlier is to me slightly unsettling. I'm also annoyed that the definition seems to be copy-pasted from whatever dictionary the author had laying around. More could have been done to make this clearer.

I myself will be voting present, i.e. personally abstaining from the vote, for the reasons given. Since I can't come to a decision on this myself, I feel it would be inappropriate for the Ministry to recommend TNP citizens to vote a certain way. If you feel the Delegate should abstain on the matter, the correct vote to lodge would be "abstain". If you yourself are abstaining, please for "present".

I am sick of convention proposals :P
This is like the third or fourth time this has been submitted. Chester Pearson is United Federation of Canada, or whatever the hell it was.

It's getting boring.

I agree with McMasterdonia's comment. I feel like I have a more libertarian bent than I used to, and creating a new bureaucracy to oversee another pet project is not my idea of government efficiency.
"Chemical Weapons Convention" was defeated 6,877 votes to 4,233.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

This topic has been locked and sent to the Archives for safekeeping. If you would like this topic to be re-opened for further discussion, please contact the WA Delegate, a Global Moderator, or an Administrator for assistance. Thank you.