Welcome team

punk d

Hello Senor Delegate and Cabinet Friends,

I see that you have intro'd legislation to disband the Welcoming position. I agree with Flem who has discussed how people come to the boards, post once or twice, then disappear.

This is problematic. I am offering to assist in any way shape or form. I am not looking for a title, I am looking to help the noobies acclimate themselves to TNP and hopefully get them to stay and join in on the fun.
It's not legislation to disband the welcoming position, it's legislation to make the welcoming Ministry non-mandatory.

If you want to help people to stay then you don't need permission from us to do that.

EDIT: I'd also note there's a difference between what the welcoming Ministry is supposed to do according to current legislation, and incentivising people to stay and ensure they don't get bored, which is what you want to help with.
We don't want, or would like, you to do anything.

If you want to take it upon yourself to do what you suggested, you're free to do so and I don't think anybody will stop you. You don't need permission to be helpful. We're not going to force you to do, or not to do, anything you've mentioned here.
And perhaps this type of thinking is why some find it hard to get involved.

Someone says, hey leaders, I'd like to help. How can I help?

Response: "If you want to take it upon yourself to do what you suggested, you're free to do so"

What I suggested was "what can I do to help?" That's not a suggestion but a question. The problem is noobies leaving us so soon. I don't have the answer, but I am willing to help if someone has a solution. I'm looking for the leadership of the region to direct in some fashion.

Am I asking too much? Serious question, not being sarcastic.
Except that was in a response to "what would you like me to do" not "how can I help" and again I said if you want to help, which you apparently do, you can do as you suggested which is help them to acclimatise. How you do so is up to you. We're not going to tell or order you to do anything.

I would suggest that not referring to them as "noobies" may be helpful though. I don't like the term being said about me when I'm somewhere new, perhaps others feel the same way.

Because I'm in a generous mood tonight, I'll give another suggestion. When new members join the RA they have to wait 15 days to fully participate. Being told you can't vote for 2 weeks is a little annoying and leaves you swanning around the forum for a few days, posting here and there, until your nation gets a TG telling you to come to this awesome region where you can get involved etc. etc.

Maybe if you lobby the RA to change this so people don't have to wait so long. That might be helpful. Maybe.

As always, the Government is delighted when ordinary citizens, like yourself, want to get involved. Hopefully you'll be able to convince or inspire a few others to do the same.

Oh! Almost forgot, I believe McMasterdonia is responsible for welcoming at the moment, so if you do have any of your own suggestions you'd like us to implement, I'm sure he'd only be too happy to hear from you. As far as I know, though, he's busy this week, as is Jamie, which is why I'm the one responding to questions here. We all know I'm not the best at communicating, my admittedly brusque manner (which, to be fair, is just who I am and I'm like this to everybody online and off) can be off-putting. Though I would say, in my defence, I don't often interact with new people on the forum and, when I do, I do try my best to be as polite as I possibly can be.

Yes, there isn't always a massive difference, but I try and add emoticons when I'm attempting to be overly polite.
Hey Punk D, I'd be glad to have some help with welcoming. There are several ways that we could approach it, and I think getting rid of making it mandatory is because we don't feel it should exactly be required of Delegates. It's easier if someone who can script or who can run a script does the welcoming, and it's burdensome for someone to take on that role themselves. We could do it manually, but as we get a great deal of nations per day I think it could be quite difficult to do.

Personally, I think I will look into seeing if I can organize a script that I can run on my computer from home to do welcoming. It would make the job easier for all of us, if we can't do that then I think the other option would be to set up a team who does it with a sign in/sign out thread. I'm open to suggestions/alternatives.