I would like to propose the following amendment, in order to resolve some issues with the law as regards Election Commissioners.
The second amendment resolves the issue of timing. As it stands, once the CJ's 48 hours are up, there is no legal mechanism to appoint ECs - clearly not intended behavior, merely failing to account for peoples' forgetfulness. I believe simply removing the time constraint on the CJ is an adequate fix.
Thoughts? Suggestions?
The reasoning for the first amendment is that, in my interpretation, it is overly broad - that it bans any RA member from serving as an EC, as they all "may" run in the election. This is clearly not the original intent, and so the wording should be fixed.Amendment to Sections 4.2 and 4.3 of the Legal Code
Section 4.2.6, which currently reads:
shall be amended to read:6. "Election Commissioner" is an individual designated to supervise a given election. No one who may be a candidate in an election may serve as an Election Commissioner during it.
6. "Election Commissioner" is an individual designated to supervise a given election. No Election Commissioner may run in the election they are overseeing.
Section 4.3.9, which currently reads:
shall be amended to read:9. In General and Judicial elections, Election Commissioners will be appointed by the Delegate to oversee the nomination and election processes at least one week before the month in which the election begins. If an appointment of Election Commissioners has not been made by that time, the Chief Justice shall promptly make the appointment within 48 hours.
9. In General and Judicial elections, Election Commissioners will be appointed by the Delegate to oversee the nomination and election processes at least one week before the beginning of the month in which the election is to be held. If an appointment of Election Commissioners has not been made by that time, the Chief Justice shall promptly make the appointment.
The second amendment resolves the issue of timing. As it stands, once the CJ's 48 hours are up, there is no legal mechanism to appoint ECs - clearly not intended behavior, merely failing to account for peoples' forgetfulness. I believe simply removing the time constraint on the CJ is an adequate fix.
Thoughts? Suggestions?