A mean old man

It came to the attention of The East Pacific today that Osiris's current delegate, The Dourian Embassy, after pitching a fit due to losing the elections there, defected and handed his nation to Nevadar of Gatesville. Inevitably, Nevadar decided to stage a coup of Osiris and name it a protectorate of Gatesville. Gatesville has since held its position through the suppression of the region's current government as well as of many of its local contributors on the Regional Message Board. The World Factbook Entry and the region's flag have been completely hijacked by the usurper delegate and serve the interests of this foreign foe.
The East Pacific will not condone this activity and will do whatever is within its power to oust these usurpers. Osiris, while it is a relatively new GCR, had established as a community a generally locally-run government that has acted in the interests of its native nations and which has been interregionally accepted as long-term and legitimate. Lest the original be infiltrated, usurped, and corrupted beyond repair, we will accept no other Osiris regime. Gatesville is among the most persistent and reprehensible groups of people who attempt to meddle with the affairs of the Game-Created Regions and their methods, which revolve around "cosmopolitan" activity and hiding behind pseudonyms while they act in their own selfish interests in foreign regions, spewing meaningless but invigorating (to the dim-witted) propaganda about opposing the World Assembly and supporting national and regional sovereignty while their actions blatantly tell otherwise, corrupting formerly committed government officials and turning them on their regions before throwing them away later, and betraying the hospitality of benevolent governments as well as backstabbing many of their own members, are completely unforgivable.
I as delegate of TEP have sent a declaration of war to the Magisterium for ratification. The East Pacific sees no reason to negotiate with such people as Gatesville and will make no attempts to do so. The East Pacific will engage in any efforts to forcibly remove them from Osiris as well as from any regions they inhabit in the future, should our legislature agree to war, and will unite its allies against them as well. We see no need to continue tolerating an entity that has become the embodiment of selfishness, dishonesty, and disloyalty in NS.
~ A mean old man, Delegate of The East Pacific