June 2013 update


The Xth Regional Executive Council:

Chancellor: Besate
Speaker: Velykyy Ukraina
Secretary General: The Antarctica Territories


Minister(Interior Affairs):The Soviet-Federation of Jewish-Polish EmpireThe Soviet-Federation of Jewish-Polish Empire
Minister(Foreign Affairs):The CoC Foreign Ministry of BORDURIAAThe CoC Foreign Ministry of BORDURIAA
Minister(Culture):The Monarchical Theocracy of SayeramThe Monarchical Theocracy of Sayeram
Minister(Defence):The Kingdom of ChurchillandThe Kingdom of Churchilland

Secretary(Justice):The Syldic Orthodox Monarchy of SyldeviaThe Syldic Orthodox Monarchy of Syldevia
Secretary(Finance):The United Kingdom of GuatemalaCityThe United Kingdom of GuatemalaCity
Secretary(Immigration): The United Provinces of NoorderkwartierThe United Provinces of Noorderkwartier & Anglia

The International Crowns Court
The Continental Empire of OberseewaldThe Continental Empire of Oberseewald(Chief Justice), The Unified Government of VetegaThe Unified Government of Vetega, The Glorious Suzerainty of Imperial YameaThe Glorious Suzerainty of Imperial Yamea
Prosecutor General: Lentheric[/

New Appointments:

The honourable Speaker has appointed The CoC Foreign Ministry of BORDURIAAThe CoC Foreign Ministry of BORDURIAA as his deputy.
The United Kingdom of LenthericThe United Kingdom of Lentheric has been appointed as the Prosecutor General by the ICC.
Noorderkwartier got a helping hand when The Kingdom of AngliaThe Kingdom of Anglia was appointed by The Holy Empire of BesateThe Holy Empire of Besate as the second Secretary of immigration.
The Soviet-Federation of Jewish-Polish EmpireThe Soviet-Federation of Jewish-Polish Empire has been appointed as Minister(Interior) after The eastland duchies resigned.
Syldevia was assigned the Secretariat of Justice , replacing KOPB.



The Commonwealth effort in defending the Greek delegate Nikolaus came to a naught as the Greece founder , The Disputed Territories of YaunaThe Disputed Territories of Yauna resurfaced and in his expected treacherous style, staged another coup to expel both Greek and CoC forces from the Islands. While he stood a mute spectator to the ascension of the Persian Sassanid Empire to the delegacy, his actions have proved beyond doubt abut his Persian roots.

Our action of defence have earned us the goodwill of the Greeks, which they shall be reciprocating.

ii) After mutual endorsements by the Commonwealth of Crowns and fellow monarchist region, The Commonwealth of Kings, the treaty of mutual defence between the two regions is in force.


The Commonwealth is also successfully defending the Coalition of Sovereign States--a region whose founding fathers and other members have joined CoC in a merger effort. We are being helped by Greek rebel military in this effort. The region has been secured as on date.

iv) Noted raider regions of yesteryears---The Phantom Knights and The United Forces of Darkness have been annexed by the Commonwealth forces and added to it's ever expanding empire. The Phantom knights have an active raiding history where they had aided the Black Hawks mostly upto 2012 after which they disbanded.

v) Past active regions of United Africa and Pax Imperium have also been annexed after refounding by COC Army and granted dominion status. Natives of these regions have returned to these regions and have started self-governance activities, which the CoC is actively supporting.


i) Immigration was steady although the issue of nations CTEing has led the CoC membership to drop below the 180s . We expect more responses to our recruitment pleas in the days to come with the adoption of API client key.

ii) Forum membership has again risen to 84, at the time of filing this report.

Sayeram, the Culture Minister 's RP, Return of Dusk continues alomg with the raffle . Overall it was not a very exciting month for RPs. Alkoul's sports RPs have returned with a bang. Besate has also started an RP based on the old Vorson colonial subcontinent , which is picking up.


Besate , Chancellor of CoC and a known hardliner monarchist wanted a final interpretation for the Article I of the Constitution regarding the status of non-monarchies in CoC and petitioned the International Crowns Court. The ICC , led by Chief Justice Oberseewald turned down the request with a reminder that the Article I was self-explanatory and only the Assembly had the right to amend it.



1. Proposed by Noorderkwartier and supported by Borduriaa, the "REC expansion Amendment" was pushed to the debate hall by deputy Speaker Borduriaa. Presently this bill is under active debate and Chancellor Besate ,Lentheric, Assam, Imperial yamea and Antarctica actively participating. The debate rages on the issue of making a few cabinet posts permanent and the appointment of the Prosecutor General and Lord COmmander of the Commonwealth Army to the REC.

2. Imperial Yamea's legislation regarding No Confidence and censure Motion was declared as passed in a Crowns Assembly vote. This has brought a much required law to the lawbooks of the Commonwealth and is another feather in the cap of Constitution Architect Imperial Yamea.

Assembly in session:

3. The Antarctica Territories proposed bill , The Commonwealth Army Act became law after it garnered majority supported as a new legislation. The much awaited Act has paved the way for the formal establishment of the Commonwealth Army for defending it's Overseas territories and allies. With the passage of this Act, the elections for the post of Lord Commander of the Commonwealth Army has been declared with Borduriaa standing unopposed. With this law, the Crowns Assembly formalizes the entry of the CoC into the realm of active gameplay.


Well, that's my first update as the CoC ambassador. I'll attend any question in CoC's name,

let me extend our warm regards.