May Update 2013


Foreign Office
The New Inquisition Foreign Office Update
From the Foreign Office
31st May 2013
||Region || Forum||​


Population: 555
Forum posts: 422,421
Kaiserin: Her Most Gracious and Imperial Majesty, Viktoria Gryfynn von Hohenzollern
Crown Prince: His Imperial Highness, Onder Kelkia
Reich Elector: His Excellency, The Rt. Hon. Christopher Bishop
Vice-Reich Elector: The Rt. Hon. Edward Leben
Reich Chancellor: The Rt. Hon. Gavin Novawk
Deputy Reich Chancellor: The Rt. Hon. Cephal Talleyrand
Secretary of State for Home Affairs: The Rt. MagentaFairy
Secretary of State for Culture: The Rt. Hon. Edward Leben

The Newly Elected Government!


The previously elected Reich Chancellor Mr Friedrich Wilhelm considered the Reichstag to be too inactive and so decided that it was fit to call for a general election and assemble a new Reichstag. This was done in hopes of getting fresh people into the Reichstag to boost activity.

The election results are as follows:
CaesarInvictus (Primrose League) [ 13 ] [11.21%]
Cerian Quilor (New Progressive Coalition) [ 8 ] [6.90%]
Christopher Bishop (Primrose League) [ 18 ] [15.52%]
Edward Leben (Primrose League) [ 18 ] [15.52%]
Friedrich Wilhelm (New Progressive Coalition) [ 11 ] [9.48%]
Hamilcar Barca (New Progressive Coalition) [ 10 ] [8.62%]
Gavin Novawk (Primrose League) [ 16 ] [13.79%]
Isaac (Primrose League) [ 11 ] [9.48%]
MagentaFairy (New Progressive Coalition) [ 11 ] [9.48%]

The Primrose League managed to obtain a super-majority in the Reichstag, after several terms of trying to regain said dominant position, allowing for excellent control over the elected house. With the super-majority, many possible opportunities have been opened for their legislative agenda. An added bonus for the league was they were able to get their nominated Reich Chancellor Mr Gavin Novawk into power.

The New Executive


Friedrich Wilhelm was replaced as Reich Chancellor on the 9th of May. With a 4:1 vote (with one abstaining) Gavin Novawk was elected Reich Chancellor for his first time.

His first undertaking was appointing his Cabinet. His Deputy Reich Chancellor is an individual that he has worked with successfully in the past named Cephal Talleyrand. The position of Culture Secretary has been given to Edward Leben, who according to the Reich Chancellor is “a great member of this community, [who] shall utilise his experience and knowledge of TNI and NationStates to put on several events that we all can enjoy”. The State Secretary of Home Affairs position has been given to MagentaFairy for her being “a rising star within TNI, [who] shall use that excellent and friendly personality of hers to transform TNI and the Government of TNI into an approachable area for all members of the community to get involved in.”

With Mr. Novawk’s term underway, we look forward to what him and his Cabinet can do to advance the region.

TNI has also seen the election of Christopher Bishop as Reich Elector and Edward Leben as his Vice Reich Elector. Negotiations with Game Created Regions has been a priority in his tenure and treaties with newer region such as Albion have been conducted. Recently a conference for Beltaine members being hosted in TNI has been set up by Earl Bishop (the Earl of Calüfrax) and is currently ongoing. The region wishes him continuing success as Reich Elector.

Convention Time


Since 2010 TNI has had its current Constitution which has remained the same (not counting of course the various edits to it over the past 3 years). But with the recent changes to recruitment and the WAD’s administration powers, and after a very convincing speech from the one of the region’s most respected statesmen, Charles Cerebella, it was decided a new constitution would be needed to deal with the potentially vast changes coming to NationStates Regions.

And so the region chose to hold a Constitutional Convention to draft a new Constitution. After the Reichstag passed a bill allowing it to commence, discussion got underway. People allowed to discuss in the Convention are the Kaiserin, the Heir Apparent, all Peers of the Realm, currently seated members of the Reichstag and any people who have been members of the Reichstag prior to the one who enacted the Convention.

Jet Black, one of the regions strongest legislators was appointed in charge and discussion is in full flow at the moment. All different areas of a constitution such as the Monarchy, Executive, Judiciary etc. are being considered and potentially a new constitution for future colonies will be implemented. Heated debates have included whether to merge the positions of the Reich Chancellor and Reich Elector back together and whether the World Assembly Delegate should be given more powers on the offsite forum or not.

And so discussion continues on the Constitution and there’s no knowing where it will head next!



Citizens of The New Inquisition gathered to celebrate the 7th birthday of the region on March 31st. The crowd gathered wearing party hats and wielding party poppers as the Kaiserin kicked the week-long festival off. The citizens were treated to one of her world famous addresses. Many citizens were seen swooning in awe and many described themselves as "weak at the knees" afterwards.

As the afternoon festivities died down, the more boring citizens enjoyed a one of a kind talk show from the comfort of their own homes. The show featured many famous TNIers including Charles Cerebella and Joshua IX. They discussed topics such as the early days of TNI, old TNIers they would like to see again, and why the youth of today are so inferior to the older generation.

The festival also hosted discussions on a wide range of topics, from the threat of North Korea to Rome Total War 2 to beautiful, pointless spam.

In the town square, the ever popular People Choice Awards was also held. There were categories for everyone ranging from the “Best Lord” to “Who is most likely to have a sock fetish”. Winners of each category were showered in roses and socks, as appropriate. Losers were booed and pelted with rotten fruit.

Just because the Foundation Day Festival is over, doesn't mean that the culture office has stopped planning.

Foreign Affairs


Amongst a few things that are going on, The New Inquisition and the new imperialist region Albion have signed the treaty of Avalon, which binds the two regions together hoping for a more prospective future for both regions. TNI has high hopes for the new region and what it will be capable of in the upcoming future.

Now it has almost been a year since the signing of the Beltaine Accord with not much happening done with amongst the various signers. In hopes to correct this problem the Reich Elector decided to hold another conference to discuss with the other signers about trying to get such activities planned and bringing on new member regions to hopefully bring the regions closer.

The FRA, like it has done in the past, sent in operatives into other regions to try to change their military and political identities. This is no different than what the FRA had attempted to do in Ainur. Due to assistance provided from TNI through the ISIS, Ainur was able to uncover the plot and prevent any further damage from occurring to the region. TNI stands strong with her allies.

Military Activities


The United Imperial Armed Forces (UIAF) has seen a lot of success in recent times with providing significant numbers to the Black Hawk occupations, Japan and Furry Federation, and the Europeia Republican Navy (ERN) of St Abbaddon. The UIAF Made up the largest number of reinforcements during all of the occupations mentioned.

Now under the command of Deputy Commander Christopher Bishop the UIAF has been able to break previous record of raids during a single update, which was 11 with the new record being 27 regions. Christopher lead an operation that broke the previous record first with 18 regions then a few days later organized the capture of 27 regions. Such significant improvement and there is no way besides going up from here!

We will be seeing a much more active UIAF in the coming months and updates!
