From a legal theory standpoint, the fact that a person fixed a wrong done by a criminal offence does not necessarily mean they are not still guilty. If, for example, I broke into your house and stole your TV, but then brought it back, I'd still be guilty of theft. It's the act, not the result, at least in theory.

But theory sucks. In practice, you've withdrawn your complaint and I see no reason to pursue it independently. This matter is closed.
Actually you'd be guilty of breaking and entering, because they can't necessarily prove the TV if you bring it back.
Or at least one would be liable for 'theft of services' through denial of usage. And Breaking and Entry. :P

Then again, if you leave a door unlocked and someone enters the house and steals your TV, it is not B&E. It is 'contributory negligence' on your part for not acting in due diligence by locking the door. Or worse yet, entrapment.

"The Law is an ass." George Chapman in 1654 - from the play Revenge for Honour