[Complete]Passed: Condemn Aglrinia [Complete]


ID: seth_abaddon_1368980223

Condemn Aglrinia
A resolution to express shock and dismay at a nation or region.

Category: Condemnation

Nominee: Aglrinia

Proposed by: Seth Abaddon

Description: The Security Council,

Article I (Laws of a nation)

Shocked that Aglrinia has passed laws specifically allowing the punishments of Sleep Deprevation, Sensory Deprivation, Water-boarding, Lynching, Subjection to extremes of weather and death by a thousand cuts.

Distressed that Aglrinia violates womens rights in declaring that all married women must get their husband’s permission if they wish to have a job, they must live wherever the husband wishes to reside, and they must forfeit all jointly held assets upon divorce from her husband.

Appalled that the punishment for a convict marrying after 2010 is the execution of the convict and his entire family.

Concerned that any person flying a flag higher than a Aglrinian flag will be treated as an invading army and dealt with accordingly.

Disgusted that physical mutilation through the removal of limbs is the punishment for certain crimes.

Concerned that contrary to International standards of justice, the presumption is guilty until proven innocent in certain cases.

Article II (Actions of a nation)

Shocked that Aglrinia has launched warning missiles at other nations, regardless of their lack of payload, without provocation or warning.

Distraught that politicians resolve their difference through murder, including the assumption of the Presidency and the murder of other Ministers and those close to them for political means.

Condemning Veniamin Fortunatov's, the Premier of Aglrinia, ordered mass cleansing of all provinces of fascist beings.

Deploring the rapid imprisonment of significant populations in state gulags.

Article III (Responsibility for the actions of dependent territories - Luxemburg)

Recognizing Luxembourg is a dependent territory of Aglrinia.

Observing that Luxembourg has been found guilty by The Commonwealth Society of entering the region and assuming positions of responsibility while Aglrinia was banned, disrupting the internal politics of the region.

Disturbed that Luxembourg acting in its role as Interim Delegate of Balder forced a takeover the region.

Shocked that Luxembourg endeavored to gain access to sensitive regional information, attempting to use said information to manipulate the regional information and communication sources.

Article IV (Responsibility for the actions of dependent territories - Syrakhstan)

Recognizing Syrakhstan is a dependent territory of Aglrinia.

Observing that Syrakhstan entered The Commonwealth Society in violation of a banning order of Aglrinia and all puppet states, further destabilizing the internal politics of the region.

Disgusted that prisoners are subjected to torture, including removal of fingers and teeth.

Concerned that the international press was ejected from Syrakhstan.

Appalled at indiscriminate government bombardment of civilian populations and religious building resulting in huge loss of life and outrage.

Article V (Responsibility for the actions of founded regions - Kami no Chikara)

Recognizing Aglrinia as the founder of the region, Kami no Chikara.

Appalled that raids of the regions Great German Empire and UGFLSPN by Kami no Chikara ultimately led to the destruction of both regions.

Contending that the actions of Aglrinia are deserving of a condemnation by the Security Council,

Hereby Condemns Aglrinia

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Condemn Aglrinia was passed 7,804 votes to 4,106.

Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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