On Pride

St George

RolePlay Moderator
Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them
You know what the thing with 'straight pride' is? It's that it's not necessary. It's unneeded. Well done you're straight. You have the advantage. If you're white, male and upper class as well, then congratulations, you've won the genetic lottery.

Do you even know what Gay Pride is? It's a statement. A statement that you can oppress us, persecute us, discriminate against us, beat us, imprison us, abduct us, torture us and even murder us, but we are here to stay. We exist and we're not going anywhere.

Gay Pride exists for every oppressed homosexual, bisexual, transperson or queer in every country on this planet. Gay Pride exists as a solidarity movement and idea, an idea that you are not alone, that you are not broken, defective, deformed, mutated, ungodly, sinful, disgusting or whatever other insult or slur they throw at us.

Gay Pride exists to help combat that. It exists to help everyone, LGBTQ and Straights alike, show that despite the attacks, despite the beatings and murders and the oppression, that we are just like you. We are not some other species. We are not any less of human beings for being who we are and loving who we love.

I am in a committed homosexual relationship with a man I hope one day to marry. 5 years ago, I was heading towards my first suicide attempt at the end of more than 3 years of persecution, beatings, thefts and bullying because of who I am. It is Gay Pride that helped me recover from that period of my life. It is the knowledge that I am not alone, that am I not some freak 'faggot' who should've been killed at birth, that helped me reach the point where, today, I can be honest with the person I love and tell him about what happened to me.

Gay Pride saves lives. So-called straight pride is an ignorant homophobic counter culture that does nothing but reinforce the division that bigots throw up between the 'right' straights and the 'wrong' lgbtqs.
Q refers to Gender Queer, people who don't classify themselves as any particular gender or are gender-fluid, or consider themselves androgynous, I actually know a few people like that.

Q is normally linked to the T (LGBTQ) side of the spectrum.
Well done! I'm a staunch supporter of all those good sexualities and in fact am working in the fight for LGBTQ rights in the Boy Scouts of America, which I'm sure you've heard is pretty screwed up. Good luck in your relationship, sir.