C. I. Cerebella
The Land of Kings and Emperors Foreign Despatch
4 May 2013
WA Delegate: Drliberto | Nation Count: 722 | Regional Rank: 15th
LKE Imperial Forums
4 May 2013
WA Delegate: Drliberto | Nation Count: 722 | Regional Rank: 15th
LKE Imperial Forums

Head of State: His Supreme Majesty Emperor Onder
Heir Presumptive: His Supreme Highness Crown Prince Falconio
Prince Imperial: His Imperial Highness Julian Anumia
The Imperial Council
Prime Minister: Charles Cerebella
Deputy Prime Minister: Kaiserholt
Secretary of State for the Exterior: Ein
Secretary of State for the Interior: Rinusje
Secretary of State for Culture: MagentaFairy
Secretary of Colonial Affairs: Josh Sebastian
Record Populations!

After for so long remaining below many other regions, the Land of Kings and Emperors had record population growth! Showing the bright future is in store for the LKE and its citizenry. As the LKE continues to grow population wise, there is going to be significant growth for the citizens as they grow into fine statesmen. Many possible new leaders will help continue to advance the LKE on the world stage. The next few months will be some of the brightest that the LKE has ever seen!

During the last election the year long hegemony of the Imperial Party has finally been contested by an and coming new oppositional party, the Lion Party. Both the majority of the Senate and Prime Minister seats have been contested. The results were neck to neck for the two day period that the polls were open. The Prime Minister seat was contested by the Lion Party Candidate Charles Cerebella and the Imperial Party candidate Krimson Vulika. After heavy debate between the two candidates, Charles Cerebella came out victorious with a third more of the votes than Krimson Vulika. With the newly seated Prime Minister the lion Party was able to claim a highly valued position, but the same cannot be said for the Senate. The Senate had many Imperial and Lion Party candidates with only one independent. The Imperial Party was able to dominate the Senate with the most seats and the Lion Party only claiming two. Oddly the independent candidate was able to come out on top.
Senate: Results
Speaker Josh Sebastian
Senator Ein
Senator Valfor
Senator Charles I. Cerebella
Senator Gavin Novawk
Senator Athelstan MacGregor
Election Numbers:
Estate Common:
Novawk, Gavin (Independent) [ 17 ] [14.78%]
Valfor (Imperial Party) [ 12 ] [10.43%]
Cerebella, Charles I (Lion Party) [ 15 ] [13.04%]
Ein (Lion Party) [ 12 ] [10.43%]
Sir Robin of Aelbarrow (Lion Party) [ 11 ] [9.57%]
Vulika, Krimson (Imperial Party) [ 11 ] [9.57%]
MacGregor, Athelstan (Imperial Party) [ 12 ] [10.43%]
Quilor, Cerian (Lion Party) [ 11 ] [9.57%]
Sebastian, Josh (Imperial Party) [ 14 ] [12.17%]
Prime Minister:
Cerebella/Kaiserholt (Lion Party) [ 15 ] [57.69%]
Vulika/Valfor (Imperial Party) [ 11 ] [42.31%]
Senate: Results
Speaker Josh Sebastian
Senator Ein
Senator Valfor
Senator Charles I. Cerebella
Senator Gavin Novawk
Senator Athelstan MacGregor
Election Numbers:
Estate Common:
Novawk, Gavin (Independent) [ 17 ] [14.78%]
Valfor (Imperial Party) [ 12 ] [10.43%]
Cerebella, Charles I (Lion Party) [ 15 ] [13.04%]
Ein (Lion Party) [ 12 ] [10.43%]
Sir Robin of Aelbarrow (Lion Party) [ 11 ] [9.57%]
Vulika, Krimson (Imperial Party) [ 11 ] [9.57%]
MacGregor, Athelstan (Imperial Party) [ 12 ] [10.43%]
Quilor, Cerian (Lion Party) [ 11 ] [9.57%]
Sebastian, Josh (Imperial Party) [ 14 ] [12.17%]
Prime Minister:
Cerebella/Kaiserholt (Lion Party) [ 15 ] [57.69%]
Vulika/Valfor (Imperial Party) [ 11 ] [42.31%]
New Prime Minister

With the Lion Party claiming victory of the Prime Minister position, the newly elected Prime Minister Charles Cerebella has big plans for the region at large. For the colonies, the Prime Minister has plans of expanding their growth and use within the empire. By the end of the term there should be a clear results for the colonies. Culture is also a big part for the grand plan of the LKE to produce new games and role-play for the region at large to help retain more of the region population on the forums. Regional activity has gotten better since last term, but that growth needs to have a clear dedication for their growth.
Lion Party Crashes Through the Gates!

Since the autumn of 2011 the LKE has been under the rule of one party, The Imperial Party, with only minimal opposition. When the latest opposition incarnation folded at the start of March and its leader joined the Imperial Party, then IP member Charles Cerebella decided something needed to be done about the state of affairs, resigning his membership and forming the Lion Party. Since its formation it has already made waves in regional politics, attracting a large membership and causing controversy with its press organ, The Rampant Lion. During the last election, it did fairly well to establish itself as a force within the region.
Recruitment Competition with Spiritus

During the last Prime Minister term, the LKE entered a recruitment competition with Spiritus seeing as both regions had around the same population. While the first few days saw a very close race between the two regions, the lead often changing, but quickly the LKE established a commanding lead which it held for the rest of the two week competition. In the end Spiritus were beaten by around 120 nations in the end. The forfeit was to admit how superior the other region was in their next update after the competition so we're looking forward to seeing theirs!

Imperial Army News
The South Pacific Liberated!

Just about a week or two ago the region of the South Pacific was taken control by the illegitimate reign of Milograd. The Land of Kings and Emperors under the banner of the United Imperial Armed Forces assisted with many of coalition of different regions lead by the South Pacific Joint Command to assist to overthrow Milograd and his outside supporters. Even after multitudes of failed attempts to seize the delegate position from Milograd, the South Pacific native government was able to overcome the tyranny of Milograd.
Other News of UIAF
The UIAF have been active since its inception tagging several regions in a single update and continually to train future officers to lead and organize raids. The UIAF has also be deployed in support of the The West Pacific in their efforts to re-found the Fourth German Reich and while at that support allies of all kinds in their operations. As well the help with the delegate transfer of Balder. In the UIAF's recent action in the support of a long time friend, the Black Hawks, in their occupation of Furry Federation for two weeks making up the bulk of the force and providing a flag count of 20 units. At the same time supporting the cause to liberate the South Pacific from Milograd.
The UIAF have been active since its inception tagging several regions in a single update and continually to train future officers to lead and organize raids. The UIAF has also be deployed in support of the The West Pacific in their efforts to re-found the Fourth German Reich and while at that support allies of all kinds in their operations. As well the help with the delegate transfer of Balder. In the UIAF's recent action in the support of a long time friend, the Black Hawks, in their occupation of Furry Federation for two weeks making up the bulk of the force and providing a flag count of 20 units. At the same time supporting the cause to liberate the South Pacific from Milograd.
Written by: Ein, Secretary of State for External Affairs
On behalf of the Government and Citizens of the LKE, I wish you the best.